Page 71 of Entangled

Present Day

“Come on, El!” Jace hollers, knocking on the door like he’s been doing for the past ten minutes. “I know you’re in there.”

Leaning up against the kitchen counter, I take a sip of the well-earned cabernet I picked up on my way home from the beach today and watch the clock tick by. Waiting for him to leave. It’s ten fucking p.m. already, it’s not like he can stand out there all night. You’d think he would’ve gotten the hint from the multitude of calls I already ignored from him today. He had pissed me off and I wasn’t sure what to do with him now. My heart…

Nope. No. My heart could go jump off a cliff for all the good it had done me already.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“That sexy ass Range Rover of yours is sitting out here in the driveway, Delacroix. You’re not fooling anybody.”


He can fucking wait to explain to me until morning. I’m enjoying my wine and respite from this crazy-ass town tonight.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“I’ll do that thing with my mouth you love.”


“Shit. Doreen is out on her porch staring at me. Pretty sure she heard that by the look on her face.”

Eye roll and sip.

I’m already well into glass number three and the idiot definitely doesn’t want me to answer the door right now after his asinine behavior today.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Do you want me to hold up a boom box over my head and sing?”


“Because I will. Just say the word.”

Idiot. I’m wearing my underwear and baggy T-shirt. I’m not answering any door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Come on, Blondie. I have your camera out here and I’m not giving it back until you at least let me explain.”

That little shit.

I set my wineglass down on the counter before stomping my way to the front door and turning the lock. Throwing it open, I see the hopeful expression dawn on his face and narrow my eyes in return before promptly snatching the camera from his hands and slamming the door in his face. I flick the lock and walk back into the kitchen, setting the camera down onto the counter gently and picking my wine back up.



Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Please, El.”

The plaintive note in his voice hits me deep inside, softening my resolve and making me waver. I set my wineglass down with a sigh.

Fucking Jace Dawson.

I hop up and down to try and shake the urge to go to the door, internally berating myself for being such an idiot in getting mixed up with another guy for anything beyond a one-night stand. But after a few more hops, I lose the battle and decide to blame it on my curiosity as to what he has to say for himself. I mean, I do need to have all the facts in order to properly guard myself.