Page 46 of Entangled

Curiouser and curiouser.

“So you come here a lot?” I ask, answering my own question as he nods. “I mean I guess you would have to if you have a place here.”

“Work keeps me in Central and South America for the most part so I’m able to make it out here every month or two.”

“Okay, now you really have to explain to me what you do.”

His lips ghost up at the corners before he schools his face. “I told you, I’m a consultant for people in need of specialized services.”

I roll my eyes at his response. Again. “And what the fuck exactly does that mean?”

“It’s complicated.” A sigh leaves him as he flicks his eyes to mine briefly.

“Well uncomplicate it. Pretty sure I’ll be able to keep up.”

His answering silence drags on and I begin to hum theJeopardytune to spur him along.

“Basically…” He pauses, looking over his shoulder before he changes lanes. “When something is stolen or a person is in need of being located, the company I work for is contracted to do the recovery, or at least that’s the role I typically play.”

“So like a private investigator?”

His lips twitch at my question. “A little more high stakes than that.”

“So like…”

“The company I work for is called Bainbridge International.”

My brows dip as I try to work out where I’ve heard that name before. “Why does that sound familiar?”

“We do a lot of work for various governments and it makes it onto the news sometimes.”

“So like… a spy?” My stomach flutters in a way that is not at all conducive to my self-preservation.

“More like a mercenary.” He shrugs casually, as if being a mercenary is the same as telling someone he’s a plumber.

“Well, that’s certainly…” Fucking hot. “Interesting.” And it explained the ridiculously good shape he’s in.

I have to cross my legs to ward off the arousal shooting straight to my core.

“Yeah. I like the work. It’s definitely never boring.” He shoots me that savage grin and I have to press my legs more tightly together. “Although I can’t tell you much more than that because of our confidentiality policies.”

“And how exactly does one become a mercenary?”

“Uh, they found me actually. Bought me out of a contract I was tied up in with another company in return for me finishing out the time with them.” He shrugs. “It was a good fit so I stayed on after that was done on a job-to-job basis. Now tell me what your other rules are.”


“You said there would have to be rules for this, apparently the first one of which is cruel and unusual punishment via your music selection so what are the others?”

“Oh. Yes, the rules.” My lust-filled brain scrambles to catch up as I pack away my fantasies to mull over another time. Preferably with a battery-powered friend in hand.

Focus, El.

I had actually spent the majority of last night tossing and turning in bed as I thought over this topic, the best way to keep him and this pull between us from becoming too deep. “No names beyond what we already know.”

“Why am I not surprised?” He laughs darkly. “So you want to stick with Princess?”

I play around with a few possibilities in my mind before answering him.