Page 38 of Seize the Night

Reaching up, Remi swiped the lock of hair off his forehead and grazed his cheek gently with the back of her hand. His eyes flew open and he gazed down at her. He bore down on her and with his eyes locked on hers, came inside her, filling her up all the way to her heart.

She smiled at him when the last of their frenzy had died down.

“I love you,” he panted. “I keep thinking I’ll get to the bottom of what I feel for you. And then I do and the bottom’s just a lid and I open the lid and there’s more love inside it. Was that stupid? I can’t tell if it’s stupid or poetic.”

“It’s perfect. And I feel the same way,” she said, taking him in her arms. She felt his heart beating wildly against her own chest.

“I guess that’s a good thing,” he said. “Considering.”

He laughed and the laughter shook her body and his.

“Exactly,” she said. “Merrick is crazy. This plan of his is crazy.”

“But it’s going to work, right?” Julien asked.

“We’ll make it work.”

Julien pulled out of her and winced.

“Are you hurt?” she asked.

“No…just wet. And the couch is leather. And Mom sits here all the time.”

“Oh no.”

“Don’t move,” he said. Don’t move? Of course she wouldn’t move. She clamped her thighs tight and waited for Julien. He came back with a box of tissues, and helped her with the cleanup.

“Six tissues,” he said. “Wow.”

“Impressive.” They high-fived. “You’ve been saving that up for awhile, haven’t you?”

“I was very close to taking matters into my own hands. Thank God you showed up and saved me from myself.”

“I knew there was a reason I did something this stupid. It was all for you,” she said as Julien balled up the tissues. She got up and found her abandoned underwear and pulled them on while Julien opened a side door. She heard a toilet flushing. Good. Smart way to dispose of the evidence.

“I should go,” she whispered as he came back to her with his jeans now zipped and his hair somewhat tamed.

“No way. Not yet,” he said.

“We can’t get caught. And we’re already pushing our luck here.”

“My parents sleep like the dead. Stay for a little while, please.”

“Will you show me your room?” she asked, grinning at him through the dark.

“Upstairs. Now,” he said and he grabbed her by the wrist. Luckily most of the house was carpeted so they made almost no sound as they raced upstairs to Julien’s room. When they reached his room she had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing uproariously. Julien’s bedroom was a time machine. It was as if the year 2006 had been isolated and preserved in this one bedroom. A Batman Begins poster hung on the wall. A V for Vendetta poster hung next to it. A large CD player and two foot high speakers sat on a table. She hadn’t owned a stereo system that large in years. An Eminem CD and a Dave Matthews Band concert DVD lay side by side on top of the stereo.

“Wow,” she breathed. “Am I in the past?”

Julien locked his bedroom door behind them.

“Sort of.”

“I like it. But then again, I had a big Christian Bale crush back then.”

“Such a girl,” he said rolling his eyes. “It’s about Batman’s toys. And that he doesn’t use guns. Or kill people.”

“And Christian Bale.”