Page 24 of Seize the Night

“Beyond gorgeous. Striking. Not normal gorgeous. Different. Big black eyes-”

“Did someone punch him, you think?” Julien looked up at her and winked.

“Someone’s going to if he doesn’t get back to her nipples,” she teased.

Julien laughed before taking her nipple into his mouth again. She moaned as the heat seeped into her skin and sent delicious shivers all the way to the pit of her stomach. Her clitoris was swelling. She couldn’t stop her hips from moving against Julien.

“So what else about this guy?” Julien asked as he palmed her breast.

“I’m not sure. I feel like I’ve known him all my life. Usually I don’t jump into bed this fast with a guy but he seems special. And not just because of the aforementioned striking-ness.”

“Is that a word?”

“It is now. But I think maybe this is something…I don’t know.”

“I know,” Julien said, looking up at her. “I feel it too. Like this was meant to happen, and we have to let it happen.”

“Do you want it to happen?” she asked.

Julien nodded.

“Then we’ll let it happen,” she said, her voice as soft and tender as the look on Julien’s face. And she knew they weren’t talking about sex anymore. Not only sex anyway. But them. The future. Whatever it meant. They would let it happen. Their hearts left them no other choice.

No more words were exchanged. No more words were needed. Julien stood up and Remi pulled the covers back on the bed. She rested on her back, propped on her elbows and watched Julien undress. He didn’t hesitate, not even when the moment came to take his boxer briefs off.

He had a beautiful young body and she devoured the sight of it. Once Julien was naked, she unzipped her skirt in the back. Julien pulled her skirt down her legs and tossed it to the floor. She had on nothing but her panties now. Julien crawled onto the bed and stretched out on top of her.

Remi reached between their bodies and wrapped her hand around his erection. She stroked upward as Julien closed his eyes.

“I remember that,” he said as she ran her fingers from the wet tip to the base and back up again. She touched him lightly at first and then gripped him firmly with her entire hand.

“You remember me touching you like this?”

“It’s better than I remembered, Remi. It’s better than I dreamed. And I dreamed this moment so many times.”

His eyes were closed and soft breaths escaped his slightly parted lips.

“Tell me what you dreamed,” she said, gently rubbing the tip until she felt wetness.

“What I dreamed?”

“When I was a teenager, I used to dream about what my first time would be like. I was young and romantic and wanted my first time to be beautiful and special. But then I had a boring first time with a boring guy, because I was nineteen and I couldn’t wait any longer. But you had to wait. And now it’s time. So tell me how you wanted it, how you dreamed of it happening, and maybe we can make your dream come true,” she said.


“Tell me please,” she said. “Let me do this for you.”

Julien exhaled and opened his eyes.

“I had a ton of fantasies. They were great distractions from real life. Real life sucked for a long time.”

“How did you want it to happen?”

“In my bed,” he said. “No fancy hotels, no castles or anything. When you’re in the hospital, your own bed becomes this symbol—home. Not just home but home-free. When they let you go home for good, it’s because you’re better. So being in my own bed at home would mean I was good, out of the woods. And that was a very sexy thought.”

“Here we are, in your own bed. Anything else?” she asked as she kissed his neck.

“I liked the thought of being on my back for the first time. But when you’re seventeen all you want to do is see breasts. Everywhere. All the time.”