Page 34 of Seize the Night

“Why not?” Remi narrowed her eyes at him. Of all times to be abstruse.

“Because you’ll kill me,” Merrick said, wincing. “I’ll be worm food.”

“Stop being a drama queen and tell us the damn plan,” Julien said. Remi heard a note of command in his voice and liked it. He might be young but he wasn’t weak.

Merrick raised his hands in surrender.

“Fine. Stop pressuring me. I feel violated,” he said. “So…the plan.”

“Yes…?” Remi waved her hand to encourage further words.

“First of all,” Merrick said, “do either of you know a really naughty priest?”

Santa Claus and the Banana

Paris with Julien was one perfect moment after another.

Perfect Moment #1 – Julien kissed her under theArc de Triomphe,which led to a crowd of tourists applauding them.

Perfect Moment #2 – Julien took her to theMusee de l’Orangeriewhere they stood in silence holding hands as they stared into the deep blue of Monet’s Water Lilies. They didn’t say a word in the room. Words would have been an insult to the lilies. Remi realized that day she enjoyed being silent with Julien as much as she enjoyed their conversations. She’d never been able to say that about anyone else before.

Perfect Moment #3- All four of them—Remi and Julien, Merrick and Salena—spent hours and Euros galore in Shakespeare & Company. They bought more books than they could possibly fit in their suitcases. Salena bought French novels. Julien bought history books. She bought a little bit of everything. And Merrick bought erotica. All of it. The entire section. When she lamented her books wouldn’t fit into her suitcase, Julien told her to leave them at his place since she would need reading material when she came back to visit him again. That simple statement “When you come back” gave wings to her heart. They had a future together and it was so certain he was already encouraging her to leave things at his apartment.

Perfect Moment #4 – Remi and Julien’s last night together before she left Paris. While Julien was inside her he whispered things into her ear they never taught her in Sophomore high school French class.

J’ai envie de toi.

I want you.

Fais-moi l’amour.

Make love to me.

Je veux passer la reste de ma vie avec toi S’il te plâit?.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please?

To that Remi had only one answer—“Oui.”

On Friday morning, Remi kissed Julien goodbyeun, deux, troistimes, and she and Merrick boarded their return flight to Lexington. She was leaving the City of Light and Julien for the Horse Capital of the World and her parents. She did not consider this a fair trade. Julien and Salena would wait a few days before following them back to Kentucky to avoid unnecessary suspicion.

Remi and Merrick barely spoke on the flight back, but he held her hand for part of the trip—a much-needed show of support and comfort..

“This is crazy,” she whispered to him as their plane began the descent.

“I know,” he said, and gave her that broad wicked grin that sent women either running to him or away from him at top speed. “And that’s why it’s going to work.”

“I can’t believe I got-”

“Don’t stress,” Merrick said, squeezing her fingers. “Just tell yourself it’s not real. That helps. Now deep breaths. Focus. Eyes on the prize. We got this.”

“The pep talk is not helping,” she said.

“Would you rather have a hand job?”

Remi glared at him.

“Don’t say I never tried to help you,” he said, shoving his sunglasses down on his face.