Page 26 of Seize the Night

“Stop,” she said and Julien immediately pulled his fingers from her and sat up.

“You okay?” He sounded almost scared.

“More than okay. I am incredible.” She slowly opened her eyes.

“That was the sexiest thing ever,” Julien said, cupping her breast with his wet fingers. Her nipples had grown more sensitive with arousal. The heat from his hand seeped deep into her skin. She never wanted him to stop touching her.

“It’s not always easy to make a woman orgasm. You should be proud of yourself.”

“I plan on doing it again as soon as you let me.” Julien pinched her nipple and rolled it between his fingers.

“Your turn,” she said, laying a hand on the side of his face. “Ready?”

Julien heaved a breath and she felt a slight tremor pass through his body. Her heart galloped inside her chest at the look of trust and need on his face. She pulled him close and kissed him again. She didn’t have the words to tell him how much it meant to her that he wanted her to be his first, so she tried to tell him with the kiss.

As they kissed she rolled him onto his back. She pushed her hips into his hips, sliding her wet and open body over his erection. The tip of his penis nudged the entrance of her vagina. Without breaking the kiss she pushed back. As wet as she was the tip slid right in. Julien raised his hips and inch-by-inch he entered her completely.

Remi placed her hands on either side of Julien’s shoulders and pulled back from this kiss. His eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted. She pushed against him again and his shoulders rolled off the bed.

“Remi,” he panted. She’d never loved the sound of her name so much as when he said it.

“Hold my hips,” she whispered, not wanting to break the spell of the moment.

He took her hips in his large strong hands and held them tight as she moved on him. She kept the pace slow and easy, letting Julien getting used to being inside a woman before taking things further. Looking down, she saw where their bodies united and became one. Julien was looking too.

She took a deep breath. She would start slow with him, let him feel everything as she moved on him. Remi tried to feel nothing herself as she rode him with each sway of her hips, each undulation. His hands held her thighs and she let him set the pace of her movements at first, the rhythm of their joining.

Joining…that was it. She couldn’t think of what they did in this bed together as fucking although she knew that’s what the world would call it. She’d fucked him with her eyes the moment she’d seen him again for the first time in four years standing in his doorway. He’d fucked her with his fingers moments ago as she’d lay splayed open for him against his pillows. He’d fucked her with his mouth and now she fucked him for the first time in his short life that could have been so much shorter—a thought that terrified her so much her own terror terrified her. But it didn’t feel like fucking to her even as the room grew warm from their bodies and sweat trickled down her back and his fingers smelled of her arousal and his mouth tasted of her desire. She licked it off his lips.

Joining was the word that echoed in her blood. For four years their two families had pushed apart from each other—a foolish drunken quarrel that forced everyone to pick a side and go to war. But here on these pale gold sheets where Julien Brite’s body disappeared inside Remi Montgomery, the fight they’d accidentally began one foolish night ended inside her.

Remi pressed her palms onto Julien’s chest and drove her pelvis into his with concentrated effort, clenching her inner muscles tightly around him. She wanted him to feel everything as she rode him. His back bowed underneath her, his length deep in her, hot and hard. She ground into him, against him, on him with a renewed frenzy while beneath her Julien gasped and breathed and gasped again. He’d lost control of himself too and nothing could stop him from lifting his hips in short hard pulses as if seeking to tunnel as far into Remi as possible.

Their bodies were slick with sweat. She could hear the wetness that sealed him to her with each movement. The heat grew almost unbearable. She felt lightheaded even as a heaviness settled into her lower body. Julien latched onto her right breast and sucked her nipple with desperate hunger. They had promised tonight last names would be banished. She was Just-Remi and he Just-Julien. But in that moment when he was inside her vagina and she inside his mouth, they couldn’t possibly be more joined to each other. Even their first names disappeared and they became nothing but a man and a woman driving their need into each other, taking their pleasure from each other, and surrendering their lives to each other.

Julien’s head fell back onto his pillow, his lower back arching off the bed as he came inside her, filling her up with his semen that shot into her, coating the walls that clasped him. As he came, Remi rode him into the bed with wild movements that brought her to the edge and left her hanging there. Julien emerged from his haze long enough to press two fingers into her clitoris so deep they almost slid inside her. The touch, rough but necessary, sent her falling over the edge. She collapsed onto his chest as her second climax shook her to the core.

Haltingly and carefully, they disentangled from each other. A pure pervasive exhaustion suffused her entire being. She could do nothing but roll onto her back and let the night air cool her burning skin. Julien’s wetness poured out of her, glazing her thighs and staining the sheets. She did the math and realized it was nearly six in the morning back in Kentucky. She wanted to stay up all night with Julien but her body wouldn’t let her. Tomorrow they would do this again and again and again.

Remi waited for Julien to speak, to laugh or sigh or to congratulate himself in some way for divesting himself of his virginity, and with an older woman too. It was what she’d expect from any young man who’d fought long and hard to live long enough to experience a night like tonight. But he wasn’t just any young man.

“We’re going to get in huge trouble for this, aren’t we?” Julien asked.

She smiled at the ceiling. In this torrid hour when he should have been thinking of sex and passion and conquest and everything that had happened and would no doubt happen again between them, instead he thought of her, of them, of what the future held, and what price they’d be asked to pay for what they’d done. Their families were very likely making a lot of money for stoking a very ugly rivalry in the press, and with one act, Remi and Julien had just merged the two families.

“With who?” she asked.

“Our-” he began and stopped. She heard his laugh, felt the bed move with it, then felt the bed move again as he lay on his side and rested his hand on her still quivering stomach.

“No one,” he said. “No one at all.”

Just-Remi fell asleep minutes later, her back tucked against Just-Julien’s chest. Far too soon she would be a Montgomery of Arden Farms again. Far too soon he would be a Brite of Capital Hills again. But tonight in this bed that bore the last remnants of his virginity, she took on another identity—the only one that mattered.


A Fool's Paradise

Remi awoke with the first light and found Julien already awake and sitting by the window. He had something in his hands—a book or magazine. She couldn’t tell. She looked at him sitting in the sunlight. In the glint of the morning she could see every inch of the long pink scar on his chest. Nothing scared Remi—not spiders, not snakes, not jumping horses, not anything. But the idea that she’d almost lost Julien before she’d found him again—that terrified her. She said a silent prayer of thanks he’d survived his battle with cancer, which made this morning and every other morning she planned to wake up with him possible.