Page 12 of Her Little


I wasn’t sure whatwas going on but when Mia came up to me, all I could focus on was her. Her deep blue eyes, her pale smooth skin, her long hair that I would give anything to wrap my fingers in as she ate my—

“You seem a little flushed, Tiffany,” Mia purred, trailing a finger down my bare arm. “Is something wrong? Not feeling well perhaps or is it something else altogether?”

“Something else,” I whispered.

“Oh?” She licked her lips, her gaze dropping to my mouth. “What is it, Tiffany? Anything I can help with?”

My gaze flicked to Jude. He was watching the exchange, his eyes dark. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I knew that I didn’t want to do anything that would come between them. They were my family. My life. I would move on from this silly little crush and get over it before I ever caused a rift in their marriage. They came first and foremost. My lust and obsession with them would be shoved aside first before I became a homewrecker.

“I don’t know,” I finally said, meeting Mia’s gaze once again. “I don’t want…”

“What?” She pushed my hair off my shoulder, brushing her finger along the length of my neck. “You don’t want what?”

“I don’t want to cause any problems,” I said all in one rush.

Mia smiled. “Trust me, baby girl. You won’t. We love you. You’re our family. We want to take care of you.”

In more ways than one I imagine.

“But…” I looked at Jude then. “You’re married. I…I…”

He lifted his bottle of beer to his lips, taking a long swig and winked.

My stomach fluttered.

“Just because we’re married, doesn’t mean we don’t want to play, Tiffany,” Mia said softly. She took a step closer, the heat radiating off her body. “Will you let us play?”

My eyes whipped to hers. “You want to play? With me?”

Mia grinned. “You have no idea how much I want to play with you.”

Taking a chance, I let my eyes roam down the length of her. They slid back up her slender body, landing on her chest. She was wearing a black tank top, but I could still see her nipples poking against the dark material. The top was tucked into a pair of ripped blue jean shorts.

I licked my lips, wondering what her thighs tasted like.

Mia brushed her finger down my side, stopping where the hem of my dress sat a few inches below my ass. “Tell me, Tiffany. Are you wearing any panties?”

Her eyes burned into me.

“Maybe you should find out for yourself,” I told her, shocked that those words left my lips so easily.

Jude chuckled.

Mia laughed. “There she is.” Her finger inched up my hip. Higher and higher until the fabric of the dress was ever so slowly pushed up to my waist. Cool air washed around me, but the fabric still covered the apex between my thighs.

Her finger stopped at my hip bone, her eyes dropping to my center. “Looks like we just found out that you are not wearing any panties.” She leaned toward my ear, pressing her lips against the shell and licking along the soft skin ever so slightly. “I want my husband to watch me fuck you.”

My chest rose and fell, my nipples hardening at her words. “Mia.”

“Shhh…” She reached her other arm around my waist, sliding her hand up my thigh and pushed my dress to my waist.

By the groan that left Jude, I knew he could see all of me, but I couldn’t look at him. I was lost in Mia’s dark hungry stare.

“I think he likes what he sees,” Mia whispered.

“I’ve never done this before,” I confessed.