
“I’m nervous.” I wasn’t exactly sure why. I hadn’t been nervous. Not once. Not until we arrived at the doctor’s office and were now waiting for him to do an ultrasound and whatever else it was he had to do.

“You’re healthy and I’m sure the baby is healthy too.” Sammy squeezed my hands resting on my lap. “But whatever happens, I’m here. No matter what.”

“God.” I cupped his face, giving him a soft peck on the lips. “Who are you and what have you done with the asshole I fell in love with?”

He chuckled, the sound delicious but dangerous. “Careful. He’s still there.” He cupped the back of my head and gave my bottom lip a gentle bite. “He’s just being nice until you give birth to his baby. Then all bets are off, Little Red.”

I shivered. “Sounds exciting.”

He shook his head, his laugh deepening.

Before we could continue this inappropriate flirting that I enjoyed immensely, the doctor took that moment to enter the room.

“Amber Bishop?” The older man dressed in white, greeted us with a wide smile.

“Yes, I’m her.” I smiled back, liking him already.

“And you’re the father?” he asked Sam.

“Yes, Sir.” He stuck his hand out. “Sammy.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Shaw,” he said, returning the handshake. He pulled the ultrasound machine up beside the bed I was lying on and sat on a stool. “Now, usually I would have the tech doing this but we’re a little short-staffed today. So, you get my friendly face instead.”

I laughed. “Works for me.”

“Thank fuck he’s old,” Sammy muttered.

“What was that?” the doctor asked, raising a gray eyebrow.

“Nothing.” I rolled my eyes and laid back on the bed. “Ignore him. He’s not a morning person.”

“I take it you wouldn’t want a young doctor doing this, then?” The doctor lifted my shirt to just under my breasts. “Am I right?”

“You’re right,” Sammy told him.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t want that either.” Dr. Shaw winked.

“I like him,” Sammy told me.

“Good because he’s going to be the one between my legs when these babies are ready to be born.” As soon as I said it, I realized my slip.

“Babies?” Dr. Shaw stared at me.

“I’m a twin,” Sammy explained. “So, we thought it could be possible. Especially since she’s showing already.”

“But if I did the math right, I should only be about three months. I think.” I realized something then. “Oh god.”

“What?” Sammy closed his hand around mine. “What is it?”

“I don’t think I’ve had my period since you and I started sleeping together.” We used condoms in the beginning, and I was on birth control. Clearly neither of those things worked where Sammy’s boys were concerned.

“Let’s take a look.” Dr. Shaw squeezed some jelly on my stomach before pressing the wand against my belly. “Well…” He turned the screen toward us. “It looks like you’re right. There’s baby one.” He pointed at the black and white image. “And baby two. Did you want to hear the heartbeats?”

“Yes.” Sammy brought my hand up to his mouth, kissing my knuckles. “Please.”
