He took the bags from me but looked at one in particular. “What is this?”
“I made myself a care package for when I throw up. I haven’t been able to keep anything down, so that’s what the crackers are for.”
“Have they helped?”
“I haven’t tried yet. I was a little distracted. Between worrying about how you would react, then you finding out, and then Will…” I shrugged.
Sammy nodded once. “I’ll make you this soup my mom used to make us when we got the stomach flu.”
“Okay, thank you.” I hugged my arms around myself, looking down the hall both ways, expecting Will to jump out of the shadows.
“He’s not here,” Sammy told me. “Corbin took him out. My brothers helped with the other fuckers. You’re safe. All of you are safe.”
“Did he…did Corbin…” I shivered at the thought of Corbin actually killing Will because I knew that even if he was dead, it wouldn’t matter, his boys would come after me.
“Kill him?” Sammy grunted. “No. Rough him up a bit? Yes.”
“How’s Tim?” I asked, needing to make sure the young security guard was okay.
“I’m fine.”
I turned, finding Tim coming toward us with Corbin at his side, along with a few of the guys in Sam’s club.
“I’m upping security,” Corbin said. “With Candace and Ronny’s permission, I’ve made some calls, so things are going to be tight around here until Will lays off.” He ran a hand over his bald head and down his face, wincing as he did so.
“Are you okay?” I asked him, noticing the bruise around his eye and the split in his lip.
“Yeah, I am, darling. Nothing a little ice won’t cure.” Corbin nodded to the few members of Hell’s Harlem that had joined us. “Keep my girl safe.” And with that, he spun on his heel and left the hallway.
“We still don’t know what Will wants,” Cyrus told Sammy. “But if I had to take a guess, I imagine it’s nothing good.”
Sammy glanced at me then, staring into a part of me that only he had ever been able to reach. “Are you okay?”
“I am.” But to be fair, I had dealt with Will before. The shit he had done to me was nothing compared to how Aaron treated me and that night, that cold, damp, god-awful night…I swallowed hard, pushing those memories to the back of my mind.
“You’re lying to me,” Sammy said, pulling me from my thoughts.
“I don’t want to talk about it here,” I told him.
He nodded. “We’re calling it a night,” he said to no one specific.
“Be safe.” Cyrus pulled his phone from the pocket in his inner cut. “I need to make some calls.”
Heading down the hall to the bar, I quickly told Shawnee that I was going home sick. She only nodded and said she would cover for me. She had asked me a question, but I was too in my head and distracted, so I never heard her and left the club instead.
When the air around me suddenly grew cold, I stopped, glancing around me. Sammy was a few feet away, his dark eyes on mine. He was talking to Cheesy.
“Come here,” Sammy demanded.
The brat in me was quiet as I walked into his open arms. Looked like she needed to be held too.
“Cheesy is going to drive your car home,” Sam told me.
“Okay, thank you,” I whispered.
Cheesy nodded once, took my keys from Sammy, and went to my car.
“Let’s get you home, baby.” He kissed my head and slid his fingers between mine, leading me to his beautiful bike.