It was still early in the morning and while I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep, I felt more rested than I had in years.
Amber gave as good as she got. She never once used her safeword even though I had tried my hardest to get that single word to leave her lips.
With my cock deep in her ass and my fist in her cunt, Amber rode me. Hard and fast, giving us both what we wanted.
My back tingled from where her nails had dug into my skin. My cock ached from the many times her teeth had dragged along it as I roughly pounded into her mouth.
A twinge of pain erupted through the shaft of my cock. My eyes locked on hers. “Careful with those teeth, pet,” I warned.
She released me with a pop. “It seems to me that you like a little pain with your pleasure.”
“No. I like inflicting pain withyourpleasure.”
“I think you should teach me a lesson.”
And I did. My dick ached from how many times she had made me come but it was an ache I could live with, knowing that she got as much pleasure from it as I had.
But as much as I enjoyed the sex with her, I meant what I said. I liked the aftercare even more. Taking care of her was my ultimate task. Besides giving her what she needed when it came to her pleasure, what came after was my favorite.
“I can feel you staring, Sam,” Amber murmured, her voice thick with sleep.
I kissed her shoulder. “Just watching you.”
“Like a creeper.” She sighed, rolling over onto her stomach. She turned her head, her beautiful eyes meeting mine. “Thank you.”
“For what?” I asked, running my hand down the length of her back.
“For giving me that part of you I needed but you still didn’t break me like you threatened.”
“Anticipation, baby.” I dipped a finger between the cheeks of her ass. “Besides, by the fucking squeals that left your mouth, I didn’t want to get a noise complaint or for us to get kicked out.”
She laughed, shaking her head. “I think you bruised my pussy.”
I raised an eyebrow, my stomach clenching that I had been too rough.
She laughed. “I’m kidding.” She reached a hand out to my cup my cheek. “Trust me, I liked it. Everything we did. I liked it all.”
I blew out a breath of relief. “You need to use your safeword if I get to be too rough, pet. You know that.”
“I know but you weren’t too rough. Nothing I can’t handle.”
I stared at her. “Who the hell are you?”
She only smiled. “Just me.”
“No, Amber, you are fucking perfect.” I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling, wondering what I did to deserve someone like her. “I’ve had women leave my apartment because I was too rough. They couldn’t handle it even though I had warned them. A lot of those women had come home with me from the BDSM club, so they knew the rules and to use their safewords. But they never did.”
“And then they blamed you for being too rough?”
I looked over at her then. “Yeah.”
“I trust you, Sammy. I know you would never hurt me.” She gave me another small smile, her shoulders lifting slightly in a shrug. “You’re different.”
“But I still remind you of him.” I noticed how there would be moments were she would get this faraway look in her eyes, like she was remembering a previous life or something she smelled, saw, or heard would trigger a memory.
“No.” She lifted onto her elbows. “Not exactly. I think my issue is that I’ll say or do something and a part of me expects you to react the same way he did. And for that I’m sorry. It’s not fair to you. I know that. But I can’t…I can’t help it.”
“Don’t be sorry.” I turned onto my side, leaning my temple against my palm. “Were you ever happy with him?” I asked, running my hand in small circles over her back.