After we had breakfastwith my mom, Sammy and I were walking down the driveway. I headed to my car when a throat clearing stopped me. I looked over my shoulder, finding Sammy standing by his bike.

“You can take your bike but I’m driving my car.” I didn’t wait for a response and continued walking to my vehicle.

“You don’t make anything easy, do you?” Sammy asked, catching up with me.

“Listen.” I stopped in my tracks and spun on him. “I haven’t had a lot of control over things that have happened in my life. Driving my car gives me some of that back, so I can leave whenever I want. I know things could take a turn very quickly. I’m not stupid, but I trust Tiny.” Or I trusted him more than the others at least, but Sammy didn’t need to know that. Tiny never gave me any reason to believe that he would hurt me. The others? Some of them hinted. Some just liked making me nervous. Tiny told me that the guys I had told off forever ago, while Aaron had done nothing about, had transferred to another club, but I had no idea why. I didn’t know how it worked. While I knew some of the club rules, I wasn’t privy to the business side of things. I had a feeling that, like Will, the guys had gone rogue or worse.

For the most part, they left me alone, but I had seen the way they looked at me when I was with Aaron. I wasn’t exactly small chested, and I had curves and long pullable hair. Their words. It didn’t help that I let a few of the guys use me after Aaron had died. I was trying to mask the pain and I thought sex would help, but I wasn’t built for a quick fuck. I needed commitment, love. A damn relationship. I just wanted to be with a guy and not have to worry about where he was going to sleep that night. I refused to change for any man. I tried that once and it only made things worse.

“So, what will it be, Sammy? You going to play nice and come with me or be your usual grumpy self and complain the whole time because either way, you aren’t stopping me.”

“Fine.” He searched my face, letting out a hard huff. “I’ll go with you because clearly you won’t listen to me but one, I will deal with you later like I said and two, you stick close to me. Where you go, I go. You got me?”

“Fine,” I said, repeating his word and pulling the driver’s side door. As much as I wanted to tell him he was being unreasonable and that everything would be fine, I appreciated that he wanted to protect me just the same. Before I sat in the car, a thought came to me. “What do you want in return?” as soon as that question left my mouth, I regretted it.

Sammy slammed the passenger door closed and stomped to my side of the car. In a quick move, he had his hand locked in my hair and my head ripped back. “I’m going to tell you again and this will be the last fucking time I say it.” He leaned down until we were at eye level. “I don’t want anything in return. Just because I do something for you, doesn’t mean that I expect payment. I don’t know what the fuck you’ve been through, but I am not Aaron. I am not Will. I’m not anyone else but me. Am I rough? Yes. Am I an asshole and grumpy as fuck? Yes and yes. Will I push you because I want to break you? You bet your fucking ass I will, but I’ll also put you back together again. I willnotdo anything that you don’t want.”

“People always want something in return,” I threw back at him.

Sam’s hand tightened in my hair. “I am not people. I am me. You’ll learn to accept that, pet, or do I have to take you back inside, throw you over my knee, and remind you exactly who I am?”

His threat sent a shiver down my spine. My throat closed in on itself, my heart racing so damn hard, I could hear the loud thumping in my ears. “Protect me.”

The hard lines of his face softened. “You don’t have to ask me to protect you, Amber.” He leaned his forehead against mine, his hand in my hair, loosening. “That should be a given.”

“It hasn’t been.” My eyes welled. “Not for me.” I had spent years protecting myself since it was all I had but now that Sammy was in the picture, I needed more. I just wanted to curl in his arms and have him hold me.

I took a deep breath, refused to cry, and held back the tears.

“You never have to ask me to protect you.” Sam kissed my nose. “You should just assume I will.” He leaned back, tilting his head. “Understand?”

I nodded.

“Good. Now let’s get this shit done and over with. I’m grumpier than normal and the sooner we do this, the sooner I can have your pussy.” When he pulled away from me and headed back around to the passenger side of the car, I almost whimpered at the loss. God, what the hell was wrong with me?

Giving myself a shake, I took a deep breath and then another.

My mom had taught me to take care of myself but sometimes, I just wanted that extra help, no matter how hard I tried pushing Sammy away in the meantime.

Once I was seated behind the wheel, I started the car.

“How long has it been since you’ve been home?” he asked, cupping my inner thigh. His hand was at the spot between the crease of my center and thigh. It was an intimate touch and one I found that I desperately needed. Especially from him.

“Too long,” I mumbled, pulling the car out of the driveway. “The only reason I come home anymore is to see my mom. I really wish she’d move but she won’t. I offered for her to stay with me, but she told me she doesn’t want to be a freeloader even though I would never think that of her.”

“I get it. Your mom is by herself. She probably wants her independence and not have to depend on her daughter to take care of her.”

“I wouldn’t be taking care of her. I just want her out of this city and away from...people.” I huffed. “It doesn’t matter though because she won’t listen to me, but I swear if something happens to her...”

Sammy squeezed my thigh. “I get it, Red.”

That single touch calmed me down, easing some of the anxiety rushing through me.

“Please be nice when we get there. I don’t want any issues for either of us. These guys know where my mom lives...” I let my words trail off, passing a glance at Sammy.

His eyes were on me, his hand moving higher up my thigh. His knuckles hit the apex between my legs. It was like he was reminding me who I belonged to, but I didn’t need a reminder. I knew. I had known for awhile now.

I belonged to Sammy Butcher. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.