“How are you doing?” Cyrus asked me, still watching the way Ainsley had gone.
I chuckled, shaking my head. “Just marry her already.”
“No. We’re waiting for Jaron and Piper to get married and then it’s our turn.”
“I don’t know why you guys just don’t have a double wedding.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and searched through Amber’s social media posts to see if there were any hints for where she might be, but I came up short.
“As good as an idea that is for other people, it wouldn’t work for us,” Cyrus said, turning toward me and finally giving me his full attention.
I stared at the man I had shared a womb with so many years ago. Now that we were older, you could tell us apart, especially since he was bigger than I was.
“Why not?” I asked, crossing my arms under my chest.
“Because both Jaron and I are possessive as fuck. Not just of our girls.”
I grunted.Hewas possessive. He clearly didn’t know what I had done before Amber and I started fucking.
Cyrus tilted his head. “What is it?”
“Nothing.” I went to take a step past him when a hand landed on my shoulder. “What?”
“You good?”
“I’m fine.” But was I?
“Right,” he said slowly.
“Why did you stop here when you could have just kept on driving to the club?” I didn’t need the details to know that they were going to a BDSM club that was out of town. I was surprised that Ainsley would want to go, knowing that she preferred staying home and not being around people.
“Because I wanted to see your pretty face,” he teased, hooking his arm around my shoulders. “I thought you were heading out of town.”
“I am. I got a workout in and was a little distracted. But I’m driving out of town to see Amber.” Or I was going to try to anyway, if I could find out where her mother lived. I could ask Shawnee but I had a feeling that she would warn Amber that I was on my way if I did. I could ask someone else but he wasn’t always accommodating with information, especially when I fucked a girl he was apparently dating. But it was on her, since neither Rowan Crane nor I knew about each other. Rumor had it that he was seeing someone new anyway.
“You are?” Cyrus pulled away from me, staring intently at me.
I rolled my eyes. “Don’t act so surprised. You also never answered my question.”
“We wanted to stop in and say hi. Wouldn’t feel right to drive past and not make an appearance. Also, the ladies who live in this house would kick my ass if I pulled that shit.”
I chuckled. “Oh yeah.” I headed out of the basement and up the stairs with Cyrus hot on my heels.
“Sam,” he said from behind me.
“Yeah.” I pulled a pack of smokes out of my leather cut.
“Be safe.”
I turned and started backing up. “You two behave. Don’t do anything I would do.”
Ainsley laughed. “That won’t leave us many options.”
“You are correct there, Sis.” I gave them a wave goodbye and quickly left the large estate before I was stopped again.
As I neared my bike, I thought back to how I first didn’t approve of Ainsley. Not because I didn’t like her. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She was perfect for my brother. Having a hard life, she stopped talking for the longest time until he brought the words out of her once again. I had feared that she would take him from me. It was lame but it had been how I felt. Now I referred to her asSisand loved her as much as if she were my actual blood relative.
Straddling my bike, I pulled my phone from my inner pocket and sent Amber a text.
Me: I’m coming for you, my Little Red.