We huddled close, the three of us whispering and muttering words of strength and encouragement, even though we didn’t feel them at the moment.
“I love you girls,” I finally said, pulling away from them. “Please don’t be strangers.”
“Never.” Emma wrapped an arm around Shawnee’s shoulders, pulling her closer. “We’re here for you.”
Shawnee kissed her cheek and covered my hand with hers. “We are.”
“Are you two a thing finally?” I asked, hoping they were.
“We’re taking it slow,” Emma told me. “But yeah…” She smiled at Shawnee. “We’re a thing.”
“Finally.” Shawnee sighed. “Although, you do need to get some tattoos and piercings.”
We laughed and continued talking about their new relationship and Shawnee’s obsession with ink and piercings.
The hairs on the back of my neck suddenly tingled.
Sammy stood at the door to our bedroom. He gave me a smile. In that single moment, with him and my friends, I finally felt like we were all taking a step in the right direction.
One night, Sam and I were sitting on the couch at my mom’s place, facing each other. He was holding our son and I was holding our daughter.
After my mom’s funeral and our small but beautiful wedding, we moved back into my childhood home.
He had been given the approval from both his original chapter and Tiny’s chapter and the transfer was made. He remained an Enforcer per Tiny’s request.
We were slowly changing things to make the house ours, but it made me feel closer to my mom in a way. It had been Sammy’s idea and I fell in love with him even more because of it.
“I still can’t believe we made these beautiful little humans,” I said, resting our daughter on my lap.
“I know.” Sam hugged our son to his chest. We had named him John after his father.
The twins were born a month early and spent a couple of weeks in the NICU as a result. We finally brought them home a few days ago and have been snuggling them ever since.
Our daughter, Kyra, started fussing. Her little body wiggled, flailing her arms wildly. I laughed lightly, lifted her into my arms, and began to nurse her.
Sam moved to the spot beside me and kissed my temple. “I love you and I’m so damn proud of you.”
It had been the same thing he said every time I nursed the twins. John was easy but Kyra was a stubborn little thing. Sam joked that it was because we named her after his brother. I wanted the twins to be named after the people we loved, so I had Googled a female version for Cyrus’s name and Kyra popped up. It was an easy decision after that and one I would never forget when I asked Sammy about it.
“You want to name our daughter after my brother?” Sam asked, his voice thick as he stared down at our little girl in his arms.
“I do.” I cupped his cheek. “I love you and I know how close you are with your brother and Jaron. I also know you miss them.” It was constantly at the back of my mind that maybe one day we would sell my mom’s place and move back to Sammy’s home. It would be the least I could do for him. “I figured we could name our son and daughter after both of them and my mom.”
A shuddered breath left him. “I like that idea.”
Johnathon Jaron and Kyra Andrea Butcher.
They were going to grow up to do amazing things.
Once we put the twins to bed later that evening, Sam and I sat together on the couch. It had been something we did quite often. Just sitting there. Touching, holding, being together. No TV. No music. No talking. Just pure silence.
He would never know how much these little moments meant to me. After everything that had happened with Will and Price and the scar on my inner thigh as a constant reminder, Sam and I never took these moments for granted.
“I love you,” he whispered, breaking the sweet silence.
I snuggled into his side, pulling the blanket up and around us. “I love you too.” I looked up at him then. “Thank you.”
He frowned. “For what?”