Cyrus nodded. “I’ll drive.”

He went around to the driver’s side of the SUV and Jaron slid into the passenger seat.

Before I closed the door, I saw Tiny, some of his crew, and the other guys who had been under Will’s thumb.

“I need a minute.” I left the SUV and went up to the guys who helped us save Amber. “Tiny.”

He stopped by a navy-blue SUV, looking at me over his shoulder.

“I know you were close with Amber’s mom too, so I’m sorry for your loss, but thank you for helping us.” I stuck my hand out. “I mean it.”

He returned the handshake. “You take care of her and don’t let her be a stranger.”

“I won’t.” I looked around us. “Where’s your president?”

“Laying low after being a bad boy.” He opened the back door to the SUV and pulled out a leather cut. Slipping it on over his shoulders, the president patch sat on the left breast.

I chuckled. “I had no idea.”

“Not many do. The previous president was shady as fuck. So, we kicked him out. And looks like I moved up in ranks.” He winked, grinning.

“I’ll bring Amber by soon and we’ll meet up for a beer,” I told him, backing up.

“I like that idea.” He nodded once. “Take care of her.”

I would. More than he would ever know.


We were finally onour way back to the clubhouse. I craved Sammy’s bed, needing to wrap myself up in his sheets and everything that smelled like him. He was tense beside me, not saying anything since we left the Mayhem’s Revenge clubhouse. My thigh was mangled thanks to Will but what bothered both of us the most was the actual word that Will carved into my thigh.

We hadn’t talked about it, but Sammy punched a hole in the wall when he saw it.


Four letters.

Four letters carved deep into my skin that would eventually heal, scar, and be there forever. A constant reminder that he would always be a part of my life even though he was now dead and gone. We also didn’t talk about the fact that I pulled the trigger that ended his life. Sammy seemed to care more about the word in my thigh than the fact that I had killed someone.

I had met Ricky, a wonderful older man who was a doctor in his previous life but still kept up with his medical practice for those in need. I learned that he didn’t just help bikers but anyone who couldn’t afford insurance or was down on their luck. He had a whole medical room set up at the Mayhem’s Revenge clubhouse and to say I was impressed, was an understatement. He did an ultrasound on me after taking care of my thigh and told me that the babies were healthy and strong but for me to take it easy for the rest of my pregnancy. He didn’t say I would have to go on bed rest but if I remained stressed, I would have to. Now that Will was no longer around, I could finally relax. Or try to at least.

While Cyrus drove, Jaron sat in the passenger seat and Sammy sat beside me. His hand was cupping my good thigh and he was looking out the window.

“Sam,” I finally said, the silence unnerving.

His dark eyes shot to mine, but he never said anything.

I stared up at him, wishing I could tell him something that would make him feel better. That would make both of us feel better, but I wasn’t sure what I could say. Instead, I looked down at his hand on my thigh. His finger reached out, brushing along the other one. Although I had a bandage wrapped around it, I could still feel his touch. And even though it was gentle and soft, it spoke volumes. More than our words could ever say.

My throat burned past a hard lump.

Finally, after what felt like forever, the clubhouse came into view. I needed a shower. I needed sleep. I just needed to move on and past the shit show that had been this day.

“Jaron,” I blurted.

He turned, his eyes meeting mine. “Yeah?”

“Are you okay?” I knew Piper would take care of him, but I still needed to know.