“We’ll be there. Every step of the way, Sam, but we’re not letting her into that building by herself.”

I glanced at my brother. “I’ll be there with her. Even if she fights me. I don’t give a shit. She’s not facing Will alone. I will be there forher,” I told him, looking back out at the road.

“Good, but I can’t lose you either, Sammy. So, we’re all going to be there. All of us. And both of you can fight us. You can fight me but I don’t give a flying fuck. Will and Price need to be taken out because this needs to end. We all need to move on.”

I agreed with him, but I wasn’t even sure if Price would be there or not. There was little information on how Will and Price were apparently working together. Even though there were pictures and security footage of them, it didn’t give us a whole lot to go on. It was like as the months went by, Price became shadier.

The only thing I was certain of, was that once this was all said and done, I was going to make Amber my wife.


Driving to Will’s feltlike it took a year when really, it was only a matter of hours. I was surprised that he still did his work at an abandoned factory when he could have moved his business to somewhere better. It was like he wanted to be found after all of these years. Or he just didn’t care. I was betting on the latter. There had always been something off about him. Even when we were kids. I remembered back to a time when he would torture other children just for his pleasure. Poke and make fun of them just to watch them cry. And I didn’t even want to begin to think about all of the animals he hurt.

“I think there’s something wrong with Will,” I told Aaron, finally gathering up the courage to voice my thoughts after all of this time.

“What do you mean?” Aaron cupped my inner thigh with one hand, texting away on his phone with the other. I took a chance and glanced at his cell, knowing I shouldn’t have.

Alexandra’s name popped up on the screen.

He chuckled quietly to himself, probably laughing at something funny this woman had texted him.

I should have left him then, but I didn’t.

“I mean just what I said.” It was a lame reason, but I couldn’t focus on what we had been talking about when I tried reading what Aaron was texting the other woman.

“I don’t know what you think his issue is.” Aaron stood, turning away from me but not before I caught him adjusting himself. Whatever Alexandra had texted him, turned him on. I should have been upset but I wasn’t. That part of my heart had been closed off to him for awhile now. I just wished I was brave enough to divorce him.

“He’s fine,” Aaron added, walking away. His phone rang as he walked down the hall. His deep voice mumbling words to a woman I would never know but felt sorry for just the same.

I had mentioned to Aaron several times over the years how there was something wrong with Will, but he had brushed it off every time.

The memories hurt. Add to the fact that Aaron texted his random women right in front of me. If he would have listened to me about his brother, all of this could have been prevented.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, I breathed out a sigh of relief at seeing the cavalry behind me. Knowing that Sammy and the rest of the guys were following me, made me feel better.

He wanted to drive with me, but I had insisted on driving by myself. He wasn’t going for that either, so he had Cheesy and Locke drive with me instead.

If Will saw me in the car, he would look to make sure that it was only me in it. He would be pissed that Cheesy and Locke were with me, but he would be even more enraged if Sam was there instead.

But I also knew that there was no way Sammy would let me face him by myself. For that I was thankful because I knew that my mouth could get away from me at times and especially if I said what I wanted to say.

Something told me that my mom didn’t make it. Something else also told me that it wasn’t easy for her. For that I would make Will pay. Someway, somehow. I would avenge my mom. I would avenge Penelope. I would do everything I could to make this right.

This world was a dark and scary place at times, but I knew that with some help, I could give my babies a little bit of light. I didn’t want them coming into the world terrified that Will could still come after us.

I had never set out to actually kill him. I wasn’t that type of person. Not having a vengeful bone in my body, I intended to reason with him. But that was before he took my mother.

“Deep breaths, Red.”

I jumped, almost forgetting that Locke was sitting in the passenger seat beside me. He had been so quiet, lost in his thoughts. The only movement that had come from him, was his knee that wouldn’t stopping bouncing.

“I shouldn’t be doing this,” I said, gripping the wheel tightly. My thoughts traveled back to when Sam stuck the pistol in the waist of my pants at the small of my back. It didn’t make me feel a whole lot better but knowing that it was there, helped a touch.

“No, you shouldn’t be, but it could be worse for all of us if you didn’t show up at all,” Cheesy said from the back.

The phone suddenly rang through the speaker of the car the guys had lent me. I answered, unsure as to who was calling me or who even had this number.
