My eyes widened. “What the hell does that mean?”

“It means that if you don’t get your ass in a car in the next two point five seconds, your mom dying will be the least of your concern.” The click sounded in my ear, pulling a hard huff from my lips.

“We have to go,” I said to no one specific person.

“Here.” Sammy grabbed my hand and placed a set of keys in it, curling my fingers around them. “You can drive but you’re not going alone.”

His tone left no room for argument, so all I could do was comply and pray that we would all make it out of this.




Amber was calm. Not a lot scared me but the fact that she wasn’t trembling or that her sobs and tears had completely dried up, terrified me. But whatever she needed and for however long she needed it for, I would be there. For her and our babies. No matter the cost.

She had to go to wherever Will was, but I meant what I told her when I said that I wouldn’t be far behind her. I knew that she needed to be in some sort of control of the situation. After everything she had been through at the hands of her late husband, his brother, Will, and every other fucker she knew, she was the strongest person I’d ever met.

While she drove ahead of us, we stayed right behind her. Accompanied by every other biker in the area. When she had slipped out of earshot, Jaron received a call from Tiny, letting us know that they were on the way to us.

“This shit with Will ends now,” Tiny growled through the speaker of the phone. “I’m sick of his tantrums and him acting like a fucking child. It ends. Tonight.”

None of us argued with him, knowing we would need all of the backup we could get.

Glancing behind us, I saw lights gaining up on us. I prayed that it was Tiny, his crew, and every other chapter on this side of the country. He was right. This shit would end tonight.

I may have been the Enforcer, but I couldn’t do this on my own. Neither could Amber. As soon as she showed up at Will’s, he was going to do everything he could to make her stay with him. I wasn’t sure if she was prepared for that or not, but I knew that I wasn’t. Add to the fact that somehow, he was working with Price. None of this made any damn sense.

For the first time in a long time, I drove while Cyrus sat in the passenger seat beside me. Cheesy and Locke were with Amber. I didn’t trust a whole lot of people but I trusted those two with my life. She had insisted on driving alone but I refused. I knew that if it got caught on camera that I was in the same car as her, it wouldn’t go well. Will didn’t know Cheesy or Locke, so it would have to do.

Amber drove in the car in front of us that Cheesy had lent her. This wasn’t going to go down how any of us planned. But I would be there to pick up Amber’s pieces because everything in me told me that her mother was no longer alive. I also knew that she wouldn’t have had an easy death. If Price was involved, even though he usually went for the younger women, most were considered just girls in fact, because we were involved, he would rip her mom apart.


I tried preparing Amber for what she could walk in on, but it didn’t work. She kept muttering how her mom was still alive when we both knew that she likely wasn’t.

I had seen shit. Been around the worst kind of people. When Jaron and Piper’s daughter was taken from them, I wasn’t sure if it could get any worse. But it could. It could always get worse. Just in different kinds of ways.

If I had it my way, I would have taken Amber out of town and driven us to my parents’ cottage that was in the middle of nowhere. It was one of the safe houses that the club used from time to time and was constantly being looked after. Just Cyrus and I didn’t go often because it hurt too much. Even though we were kids the last time we were there, the memories were raw and fresh in our minds as the walls bled with the tears from our past.

“This isn’t going to end well,” Cyrus said, puffing on a smoke. He had quit and I realized then that he only smoked now whenever he was stressed.

I was on my third smoke in a matter of minutes. It was my only vice. Chain-smoking. It was a habit I couldn’t break, just like the woman I had fallen in love with.

“It has to,” I said. It was all I could say even though I didn’t believe those words myself.

“You honestly think she’s going to be able to show up and Will’s going to welcome her with open arms? This is a fucked-up idea and one that doesn’t make a whole lick of sense at all.” Cyrus butted the smoke out in the ashtray in the console before lighting up another one.

“Amber needs to make sure her mom is actually gone.” Even though I said those words, I felt like I was using her as bait.

“She’s not bait. We can’t do it this way,” Cyrus muttered, taking the thought out of my head.

“Then why the hell didn’t you say something back at the clubhouse?” I threw at him.

He grunted. “We should be doing thisforher. She should be at home, in your bed.”

“I agree but I couldn’t get through to her. The only way I could have gotten her to stay home was if I tied her up and we both know, that wouldn’t end well. She’s already stressed, and I didn’t want to cause any more when her and the babies have already been through so much.”