“Thank you.” I took a breath, glancing up at Sammy before looking back at his family. “If you give me a chance, I can tell you everything I know. But what I can’t tell you is why Will is doing this. I only know what I’ve been told but I haven’t confronted him. I don’t want anything more to happen to your club. I have a feeling you all have been through enough already.”
Several grunts sounded, proving I was right.
“Sam.” I turned to him. “I should go home.”
“Like fuck you should.” He grabbed my wrist, pulling me against him. “Not happening.”
“I don’t want to bring any more pain to your club. Last night wasn’t my fault, but until Will gets what he wants, I know that he’ll blow up everything he can to get it.” I cupped Sammy’s cheek. “Send some of the guys with me. Guys you trust.”
“I don’t trust anyone, pet,” he murmured, his eyes moving back and forth over my face.
I let out a soft sigh, knowing he didn’t mean that but was trying to get a point across. A point I understood.
Turning back around, I faced the men Sammy had grown up with. I recognized some from previous parties I had been to with Aaron, but I didn’t actually know any of the men except for Sammy.
“I know that women aren’t usually privy to club information, but I promise that if I knew what Will wanted, I would tell you.” I cupped my stomach. “I just…I don’t know what I’m trying to say.” These men didn’t know me. Sammy said he didn’t trust them but how could I expect for them to trust me in return?
“Has Will said anything at all?” Jaron asked, crossing his arms under his thick chest.
“He’s apparently trying to get information out of me. Information I don’t have. He also wants...” I swallowed hard, hugging my arms around my middle.
“He wants Amber,” Sammy said, finishing for me.
Several curses were muttered throughout the group of men.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Jaron took a step toward me but not before Sammy caught my arm and pulled me behind him.
“Careful, brother,” Sammy growled, standing between his president and me.
“I’m not kicking her out,” Jaron told him, getting in his face. “But if she stays here, we need to up the security.”
“I can leave,” I said, grabbing the back of Sammy’s leather cut.
“You are not leaving.” He spun on me. “Not at fucking all. We’ve had people stay here for less.”
“We wouldn’t kick you out.” Jaron ran a hand through his dark hair. “But we do need to figure out what Will wants.”
“He wants me,” I muttered, pointing out the obvious. It had been something they already knew but I wasn’t sure if they actually took Will seriously. I sure as hell did. As much as Aaron was an abusive bastard, Will was far worse than his brother.
While the guys continued trying to hash out a plan to bring Will down, or at least figure out what he wanted, my phone buzzed, making me jump.
Slipping away from the men, I knew I only had a couple minutes, if that, before Sammy started wondering where I was.
When I looked at my phone, I swallowed hard when I saw that Will was calling me.
I took a deep breath and placed the phone to my ear. “What do you want?” I demanded.
“We both know what I want, Amber,” he said, his voice monotonous. He almost sounded bored in a way. Like he had better things to do than to try and ruin the happiness I finally found.
“Why are you doing this?” None of this made sense. Why was he all of a sudden coming around when he hadn’t been after I left the city I grew up in. After Aaron died, Will disappeared. “Why now, Will? After all of this time?”
“I was stewing. But it doesn’t matter why I’ve waited. A little birdy told me that you’re pregnant. Pregnant, Amber. Those babies should be mine.”
My stomach dropped. Was this really because I was carrying Sammy’s twins and not his? “You can’t be serious.”
“Iamfucking serious and if you want this shit to end, you will do what I want.”
“What do you want?” I whispered, gripping my phone tight in my hand.