“You good?” Cyrus asked, sitting in the booth across from me.

“Nope.” I was damn near vibrating out of my fucking skin. “I’m not. At all.”

He grunted. “I know exactly how you feel.”

He wasn’t exaggerating about that either. After Ainsley had almost been taken from him, he kept her close more than ever. Some would say it was him being overprotective but after she had been attacked twice, I understood the need to make sure she was safe.

After Amber and I had arrived at the clubhouse, I brought her to my room. She initiated the sex and while I insisted on letting her get some rest, she refused. So, with my kiss on every inch of her body and my cum deep inside her, I left her warmth as soon as she fell asleep.

I knew that I would have to take her back to her apartment but that could wait a couple of days. Once her scent was all over my bed, then I would take her home.

“How’s Red doing?” Cyrus asked, glancing down at the beer bottle sitting on the table in front of me.

“Sleeping.” I pushed the bottle toward him. “It’s probably warm but you can have the rest.” I wasn’t feeling it and didn’t want any more. What I did want was to know where the hell Price was. The father of the bastard Jaron killed to protect Piper, and who vowed revenge against Jaron and the club, was a piece of shit. Add to the fact that I had no idea what Will wanted with my girl. But I could take a wild guess and figure that shit out. As much as I didn’t want to, a part of me knew exactly what Will wanted with Amber.

“Have you heard anything about Will?” Cyrus asked even though he already knew the answer.

“Nope. Nothing from him or Price. It’s like they just vanished off the face of the fucking earth.” I slid out of the booth, needing to do something other than just sit there. I was on the verge of losing my damn mind.

“Sammy.” Jaron took that moment to join us. “We have news.”

“What is it?” I asked, my heart jumping.

“Price was last seen with someone who fits the description you gave us of Will. I can’t confirm if it’s him or not, but something tells me that it is.” Jaron showed me the screen of his phone. A black and white image of two men stared back at me.

My stomach twisted. I recognized Price and the other guy he was with. “That’s Will. I didn’t know that they knew each other. Amber hasn’t said anything about it.”

“She may not be aware that they know each other,” Jaron suggested. “Price has been gone for awhile and he’s also changed his look a bit. He’s no longer overweight. So that can definitely make him less recognizable.”

I thought back to what Amber told me about her and Aaron’s attack. Could Price have had a hand in it? Was he working with Will this whole time and none of us knew?


All of us turned to Amber standing at the entrance to the main area of the house.

“You should be resting,” I said, going up to her.

“I know.” She latched on to my hoodie, pulling me close. “I fell asleep and had a nightmare.”

Wrapping my arms around her, I hugged her to me and kissed the top of her head. “Since you’re here, you might as well meet everyone.”

She nodded, chewing her bottom lip.

“Hey.” I cupped her cheek, pushing my thumb under her chin and tilting her head back. “Everything will be fine. You are fine. And so are our babies.”

Her eyes searched my face. Probably looking for a sign that I was lying to her. But I wasn’t and I never would. I was called many things, but a liar wasn’t one of them. My feelings and my truths for this woman standing in front of me, were all laid out. I was stripped bare. For her.

“You must be Amber,” came a woman’s voice.

I stepped aside, giving Amber a wink and running my hand down her arm.

We turned as Eve approached us with Zillah and Sara walking behind her.

“I’ve heard many things.” Eve stopped in front of Amber. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Amber said, giving the woman who helped raise me, a wide smile.

“This is Zillah, Tray’s wife, and Sara, Catch’s wife,” Eve told her, pointing at the other two women who had been in my life since I was a boy.