I stopped suddenly, staring at the man who was the beginning to a future I never knew I needed.
“My arms,” he demanded. “Now.”
Rushing to him, I threw myself around him.
He didn’t even give me a chance to enjoy the feeling of hugging him when he tugged my head back and captured my mouth in a rough kiss.
“Sam,” I breathed, a whimper escaping me as his teeth sunk into my bottom lip.
Before I could say any more, he scooped me up into his arms, shoved my head into the crook of his neck, and rushed me out of the room.
“How’s my family?” he asked as he carried me. It was something he always asked whenever he greeted me.
When we reached the main area where the bar, booths, tables, chairs, and stage were, it was like walking into another world. The room was unrecognizable from the destruction.
“God, Sammy. Who could survive this?” I said more to myself.
“We did, pet.” His hold in my hand was firm.
“We’re good,” I murmured. “You can put me down.”
“Not happening.” Once we reached outside, he held me even tighter against him. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“What is it?” I asked, my heart jumping to my throat.
“There’s been some casualties, baby,” Sammy said gently. “Penelope was one of them.”
My eyes welled. “Oh God. Is Emma...where is she? Where’s Shawnee?”
“Emma and Candace were with her. So was Shawnee. I’m sorry, Amber.” Sammy hugged me to his chest, kissing the top of my head. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Will.” I tried shoving out of Sam’s grip but his hold only tightened. “He did this. It’s the only thing that makes sense. It’s my fault. Because of me, Penny and... I don’t...”
“It’s not your fault.” Sam set me on my feet once we were out of harm’s way. “You didn’t know that Will would do this shit.”
“But I should have known,” I cried, shoving away from him.
“No, you will not pull away from me.” Sammy wrapped his arms around me before I could get away and held me against him. “We’re going to get you looked at and then I’m taking you out of here.” His tone left no room for argument. I was too damn tired to argue anyway, so I only nodded and let him lead me further away from the club.
I looked around us and saw Candace huddled with Emma and Shawnee and a few of the other girls.
“Shawnee,” I said, attempting to pull my grip from Sammy. Turning back to him when his hold on me only tightened, I closed the distance between us. “I need to see my girls.”
“And I need to keep you safe,” he reminded me.
“I am safe. The police are here, you’re here, some of your guys are here.” I slid my hand beneath his hoodie, my fingers coming into contact with his hot skin. “I’m safe.” But although I said the words, a part of me wondered just how safe I actually was. Especially if this was Will’s way of saying that he was coming for me.
“I’ll take you to your girls, Amber, but I’m not leaving your side. You hit your head.” He kissed my cheek. “It’s my job to protect you. It’s my job to keep you and our babies safe. I don’t need your mom hunting me down if something were to happen to you.”
“Oh God, I need to call her.” She was going to be so damn upset and demand for me to go home.
“I’ll call her. But I’m still not letting you out of my sight.” Sammy wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Come.”
When we reached the girls huddled together by one of the ambulances, Candace rushed to me before I even had a chance to ask if she was okay.
“She’s pregnant with twins.” Candace pushed me toward an EMT. “Please check to make sure her and the babies are okay. I don’t need Sammy burning the rest of my business down if something happened to you,” she told me.
“What’s with everyone threatening everyone? I’m fine.” But even though I said those words, the EMT put me in the back of the ambulance and did what they could to check to make sure that I was in fact fine. They cleaned the wound on my head and bandaged me up, but as they were checking my blood pressure, they advised that it was high.