“He’s the Enforcer. I don’t know what it all consists of, but I do know that he’s lethal as fuck. Ronny’s seen him fighting at The Ring.” She shook her head. “Just be careful.”
“I will.” I wanted to ask more about The Ring and what Sammy did there. He fought? I had no idea. But before I could ask any more on it, I couldn’t help but notice how a few members of Hell’s Harlem strolled into the club.
“Speak of the devil,” Candace murmured, slipping off the stool. She grabbed her beer and started walking backwards. “Remember what I said.”
How could I not? She warned me about the guy I was in love with. The guy who had gotten me pregnant, not with just one baby but two.
While a few of the Hell’s Harlem crew rolled in and sat at their typical booth, the man I had been thinking about, started stalking toward me.
Our eyes locked, a slow grin spreading on his face as he neared.
My body heated, watching him walk around the bar. “You shouldn’t be back here.”
“Don’t care.” Sammy closed the distance between us, cupped the side of my neck, and placed a hard peck on my mouth while running his other hand over my lower stomach. “How’s my family?”
My heart stuttered. “Good.” I covered his hand on my belly and looked down. I was almost five months along, but you would think I was more. I couldn’t hide the fact that I was pregnant anymore and I knew that Sammy liked that idea. If I could walk around naked all the time, just so he could see my stomach, he would be happy.
“How areyoudoing?” I asked him.
He gave me a final kiss and went around to the other side of the bar before sitting on a stool across from me. “Good.” His eyes roamed down the length of me, landing on my stomach and staying there.
“You saw me this morning, Sam.” I laughed. “By the way you’re looking at me, you’d think you’d never seen a pregnant woman before.”
“Not one who’s carrying my babies, pet,” he said as Cyrus and Jaron came up the bar.
“Amber,” Cyrus greeted. “I haven’t had a chance to wish you a congratulations. I’m also glad you finally kicked my brother’s ass into gear,” he teased, punching Sammy in the shoulder.
Jaron chuckled. “I agree.” He leaned across the bar. “We haven’t officially met. Jaron.”
“Amber.” I returned the handshake. “I guess you guys will be seeing more of me.” I cupped my stomach. “Literally.”
They laughed.
“So, twins,” Cyrus pointed out. “Our mom would have lost her mind over that fact. You’d already have a nursery set up and everything.”
Sammy grunted. “Dad would probably have started a trust fund already too and bought a few dozen shotguns. Especially if they end up being girls.”
My heart swelled, my stomach doing a little flip over the fact that Sammy was sitting there with his brother and Jaron. His family. And now I was part of it.
“You’re good, Red?” Jaron asked, something else hidden behind his question.
Sammy’s head whipped around. “Leave it alone, J.”
“I need to know she’s safe,” Jaron told him.
“Forgive him,” Cyrus mumbled. “We’ve become a little paranoid.”
“Oh…well…” I distracted myself by pouring them each a beer. “I haven’t heard from Will if that’s what you mean.”
“Thank fuck.”
“I’m going to kill him.” That was Sammy and I knew that if I gave the go-ahead, he would. But a part of me wondered if he would continue listening to me or if he would take the matter into his own hands and kill him like he threatened on more than one occasion.
“I don’t like him either but you…” I sighed. “He’s not part of Hell’s Harlem anymore but he still knows people. He made a name for himself, and I can’t…I can’t have anything happening to you.” I placed a pint of beer in front of each of them. “I can’t.”
“Nothing will happen, pet,” Sammy said, taking a long sip of his beer.