As we left the bathroom, we walked hand in hand to the change room the dancers and other staff used. Sammy handed me my bags, placed a soft peck on my cheek, and without saying anything, went to join his crew.

I was left standing there, watching him walk away. His calm demeanor made me nervous. It had me wondering if maybe he would eventually blow up once we were alone.



She was pregnant.

Amber was pregnant.

With my baby.

When I left her standing outside of the change room the staff used, I could see the confusion in her eyes. I got it. I did. Because I really had no idea how the fuck I was feeling.

Scared? Definitely.

Worried? For sure.

Excited? Absolutely.

So many emotions ran through me, I wasn’t sure how to deal with them all. But I knew she felt the same way and figured she needed some space.

For the first time, in a very long fucking time, I thought of my parents. I tried not to think about them because it hurt. It hurt too damn much, and I couldn’t deal with that pain. Amber had kept me distracted, but now that I knew she was pregnant, memories of my parents slid to the forefront of my mind. I wished they were around so I could ask them for advice. I could go to Greyson and Eve, but it wouldn’t be the same.


I stiffened, finding Cyrus coming toward me.

“Hey, you good?” He signaled Shawnee over, ordering a round of drinks for the guys before turning back to me. “What’s wrong?”

I glanced at Shawnee.

She nodded once.

I did the same.

But I still wouldn’t tell Cyrus. Not yet and definitely not here.

“I’m good,” I finally said.

He stared at me, knowing I was lying.

Amber and I needed to talk and we would do that once she was done her shift, but until then, I would do what I normally did and listen while the guys spoke.

The hairs on the back of my neck tingled, forcing my head around.

Amber walked toward me.

I had been too distracted to notice in the bathroom, but she looked hot as fuck tonight. She wore dark ripped blue jeans with a white tank top tucked into the high waist. Her long red hair was pulled back into a ponytail. The white of the top showed a glow in her skin. The weather had become warmer, so whenever I was with her at her apartment, we would spend as much time as we could on her balcony.

I had helped her set up a little sitting area since the balcony was a decent size. I did it so she had something else that could get her out of her apartment if she didn’t want to actually go anywhere, but I also used it as an excuse to fuck her somewhere new.

My thoughts traveled back to the other night. Us out on the balcony. Her at my feet. My cock down the back of her throat.

“You know it’s rude to stare,” Amber said, pulling me from my dirty thoughts. She came up to my side and lightly brushed her fingers along the back of my hand.

I linked my fingers with hers and leaned down to her ear. “You know it’s rude to look that delicious in public when I can’t do anything about it.”