It got to the point where I hadn’t been sure if the baby was Aaron’s or Will’s. We had several threesomes, not that I was proud of it, and I got pregnant. I remembered back to when I told Aaron that we should let his brother know as well. Just in case.
My stomach twisted at the awful memories rushing through my mind. Before I could get lost in those nightmares, I took a deep breath and sent up a silent prayer.
Cupping my stomach, I prayed that this baby would survive the wrath and evil of the world. But I knew even before I told Sammy that he would take this news far better than Aaron ever did.
I imagined that he would be happy or maybe he would tell me he loved me or that he was at least falling for me. It was a wild thought but a nice one at least. DidIlove him? I wasn’t sure but I did have feelings for him and now that I was carrying his baby, it only heightened them even more.
The past few months with Sam had been nothing short of amazing. We became closer, stayed committed to each other, and just hung out. He never demanded things of me and in return, I didn’t either. We just took what we were doing one day at a time.
Word had gotten around that we were together, and I hadn’t been hit on at Rouge. Sammy was nicer to the girls and didn’t make any of them cry again. Everyone commented how his mood had changed and how it was because of me that his permanent scowl had softened a bit.
I wasn’t sure what the next steps would be, but I knew that Ihadto tell Sammy about the pregnancy and set up a doctor’s appointment. So many thoughts ran rampant through my mind. I couldn’t help but wonder if my baby was okay. If there was even a baby inside of me. Maybe the tests were wrong. Maybe my cycles were just being weird. I wasn’t sure how old you had to be to start going through early menopause. Should I call my mom?
Scrubbing my hands down my face, I let out a harsh sigh. My eyes flicked to the bag. I had bought several tests, maybe I should take them all. Because obviously five tests coming back positive could be wrong. Or that was what I liked to tell myself anyway.
Grabbing the big jug of orange juice, I drank some more and waited. When I had to pee, I took the rest of the tests and waited. Again.
I leaned my hands on the edge of the bathroom counter and once the rest of the tests came back positive, I called the one person who I hoped would know what I should do.
“Hey, sweetheart,” my mom answered after the first ring. “How are you?”
“Um…I’m staring at ten pregnancy tests, and they all came positive,” I said, my tone flat.
“What? Hold on…wait…what?”
“I’m pregnant, Mummy, and I don’t…I just…” I sat on the edge of the tub. “I’m scared.”
“Okay. Take a deep breath.”
I did as she said, blowing out the air slowly.
Repeating the action, I waited to start feeling better, but it didn’t work.
“Have you told Sammy?”
“Not yet.” I rose to my full height and left the bathroom. “I only just found out and called you first. I don’t know what to do.”
“First thing, how are you and he doing?”
“Good. I think we’re good anyway. We don’t fight.” Unless we were fucking anyway but I never told her that. I didn’t need to scar my mother. She already knew that I used to be a stripper. She didn’t need to know that I liked being choked until I was on the verge of passing out. God, I was going to go to hell just from the sex I liked.
“Okay, that’s good. I’m glad.” She cleared her throat. “Now, secondly, are you going to keep it?”
“Yes. Even if Sammy and I don’t make it, I’ll raise this baby on my own if I have to and I will try my hardest to be the best mom I can possibly be. But I think Sammy will be there for the baby too, no matter what happens to our relationship.”
“That makes me happy. I know Aaron didn’t react the way he should have.”
“I know. Sammy isn’t like him thankfully.” I tossed the tests into the trash before heading back to my bedroom. Putting the phone on speaker, I placed it on my bed and began stripping out of my clothes. Once I was completely naked, I went up to the floor-length mirror and let my gaze roam down my body. Did I look pregnant? My breasts were a little tender. I turned, cupping my stomach that was still flat.
“How are you feeling?” my mom asked.
“I’ve been sick a few times but now I know that it was morning sickness. My boobs are tender but nothing I can’t handle.” I went back to the bed and picked up the phone, turning off the speaker. “I don’t think Sammy will react the way Aaron did but a part of me is scared to tell him.”
“I know, honey. The only thing I suggest is to tell him in person and not over the phone.”
“I will.”