She chewed her bottom lip.
“But if it had been something you weren’t into, I wouldn’t have done it again. It’s why I made you choose a safeword before I even fucked you the very first time. It’s also why I asked if there were things you didn’t like. Hard limits that you wouldn’t even consider. When you said that you were willing to try anything within reason, I showed you what I like and how I am. Sure, we’re still getting to know each other but I want you to know that you are in control.”
“I do know that,” she said, her voice shaking.
“Me calling you names, slapping and choking you…” I cupped the back of her head, forcing her to look at me once again. “Did that bother you? Your body told me one thing, but I need your words to confirm it.”
“No,” she said breathily. “I liked it. I liked it all, Sam.”
“What your husband did...” I swallowed hard. “It’s people like that who give BDSM a bad name. Everyone thinks that it has to do with whips and chains and pain. Sure, sadism and masochism are in the name but that’s not all it is. It’s so much more.” I cupped her neck, pushing her head back with my thumb under her chin. “I promise you it’s more. While I love controlling you, dominating and degrading you…” I kissed her forehead. “And fucking you until you squeal like a damn pig, taking care of you after is my favorite part. And we’ve only just started exploring it together. But I’ll teach you. We’ll learn what we both like. I’ll teach you everything I know, and we’ll learn even more together. As a couple.”
Her breath hitched, her eyes welling. “You won’t be mad if there’s something I don’t want to try or if there is something that Idowant to try and I ask you about it…it won’t piss you off?”
A sour taste filled my throat over what Aaron had done to her. That fact alone, that she thought it would piss me off if she told me something she wanted to try, made this rage inside of me grow.
“No, it won’t piss me off.” I released her and stood from the couch. I began pacing, needing to control this urge to drive my fist through the wall.
“I just need a moment.” I rubbed the back of my neck, taking slow deep breaths. “Why didn’t you leave him after that?” I didn’t want to ask the question when her emotions were still raw and very real, but I needed to know.
“He threatened to kill my mom and Shawnee if I did.”
I stopped, staring at her. “Are you fucking serious?”
She nodded. “I knew too much that went on in the club. Or he made it seem that way. After he died, I found out that I did actually have some friends in his crew, and they reassured me that I could leave the city and no one would get hurt. They watch out for my mom, and she’s taken them under her wing. She’s kind of like the mother figure for them even though a lot of them are her age. I just...a lot of shit went down before and after Aaron died and I needed out of there. Shawnee and I packed up our apartment and we moved here.”
“Why don’t you two live together?”
“Uh...” Her cheeks turned pink. “Shawnee likes to have company. A lot of company. And I’d rather be by myself. I don’t have the confidence she does. I know it doesn’t make sense when I used to strip but I had to do a shot or two before each dance just to get the nerve to step foot onto that stage.”
I went to her, dropping at her feet. I suddenly needed her hands on me, and I couldn’t explain why.
“Hey.” She cupped my cheek. “I’m fine. A little broken. But I’m okay.”
Before I knew what I was doing, I had my hand wrapped around the back of her neck and my mouth on hers in a hard, bruising kiss.
She gasped, her body stiffening at the unexpected impact.
While I shocked my own self that I was finally kissing her, I reveled in the way she eventually melted into my touch. Our conversation had been heavy as I learned more about her, but the fact that she felt she could talk to me made these feelings I had for her, grow into something I couldn’t explain. Not that I wanted to even try at the moment.
I split her lips apart with my tongue, needing to taste every inch of her mouth. I pushed to my feet, wrapped an arm around her middle, and lifted her into my arms. Switching positions, I sat with her straddling my lap.
She broke the kiss, her lips swollen from my rough mouth. Grabbing the hem of her tank top, she lifted it up and over her head. Her naked tits swayed at the movement, her nipples erect and hard.
Running my hands up her back, I took a budding peak into my mouth.
She sighed, pushing into me.
Cupping her other breast, I pinched the nipple, sucking and twirling my tongue around the one in my mouth.
Amber moaned, rocking against me. “Sammy, I need you inside me.”
“I don’t want to take advantage.” I released her nipple with a wet pop, sinking my teeth into the pale flesh.
“Yes,” she panted. “You do.”
Fucking hell, she knew me well.