Will lowered his arm, pressing the end of the gun against my stomach. “You will do as I say or I’ll kill them and make you agonize over your loss for the rest of your fucking life.”
My eyes welled but I nodded. What else could I do? I had wanted to look around me to see the destruction and if there were any survivors. I needed to know that Sammy and his crew were okay but I had seen Cheesy and Locke go down. I just prayed that they were okay.
Will cupped my shoulder, spinning me around. “Walk,” he demanded, moving the gun from my stomach to my back.
When I took a step forward, he grabbed my arm. All breath left me as his hand released my arm, trailed around to my back and lower. It stopped at the small of my back, bumping the pistol Sammy had given me.
“You think I’m stupid, don’t you?” Will pulled the gun from the waist of my pants. “Now walk.” He shoved me forward.
The impact had been so hard, I almost tripped over my feet. When I looked down, I realized that it hadn’t been my feet that I almost tripped over but an unmoving body instead. A sob lodged its way in my throat, tears dripping down my cheeks and off my chin.
“Eyes ahead and keep walking.” Will shoved the gun into the small of my back, a sharp tinge of pain exploding up my tailbone.
While he walked me to a large black SUV, I realized something.
I wasn’t sure if I would ever see Sammy again.
I saw him take her.
It brought me back to a time when our dad was still alive and he had just lost our mom. He couldn’t live without her. Literally couldn’t. Although, he never hurt himself or anything that extreme, he went through each day like he was a zombie. He took care of me and my brother only because he had to. He should have given us to Greyson and Eve. At least we would have had a better time of it. But he didn’t and I couldn’t dwell.
We had learned that Price had been hiding out at Will’s this whole fucking time. He wasn’t too far from us, and we had no idea.
There was video footage of him in another state but somehow, he made it back to this area undetected. He had traveled frequently over the years to make it look like he wasn’t shacking up somewhere. He was a sneaky bastard, but he messed up. They both did. By taking my girl’s mom, Will and Price were royally fucked.
Rowan had also found a death certificate for Price as well, but we all knew he was still alive. Until I watched the life leave his eyes myself, I wouldn’t settle until both he and Will were gone. For good.
Now, I was like a zombie myself, seeing Will take Amber. My girl. The mother of my unborn children. The woman I was going to marry as soon as this shit was over. I willed for her to look my way but when she didn’t, I had a feeling it was because he instructed her not to.
Voices sounded around me but I couldn’t make out who was saying what.
“Samson Tyler Butcher.” That was Cyrus. I knew his voice anywhere, especially when he was pissed.
I looked his way, finally seeing the destruction around us.
“We need to get to Will’s compound before someone drives up and sees this shit.” Cyrus grabbed my shoulders. “Are you listening to me? Someone could call this in. That means police would come and your girl will probably disappear forever.”
That snapped me out of it. I shoved out of his grip, pulled the Glock from the small of my back, and stomped up to the nearest victim I could get my hands on.
When I saw one of Will’s men covering a wound in his side, I shoved the tip of the gun against his forehead. “What the fuck do you know?”
He stared up at me with wide eyes. “I don’t—”
Before he could answer, I pulled the trigger, the sound exploding in my ears.
“Sam.” Heavy hands grabbed my shoulders, stopping me from killing another. “Stop.”
“Get the fuck off me.” I shoved him away, spun around, and geared my fist back when I realized it was Jaron standing in front of me.
“We can fight later but for now, you need to calm down enough that we can go get Amber. She’s all that matters.” Jaron cupped the side of my neck. “Alright?”