“Gigi? You awake?” came a muffled voice from the other side of the door.

“Meadow.” We were supposed to meet for breakfast this morning.

“Gigi?” Meadow pushed open the door.

“It hurts.” I clutched my stomach, gasping through the pain.

“Oh God, what’s going on?” She rushed to me.

“I don’t know. But I can’t…it hurts so much.” Tears started streaming down my cheeks.

Was this it? Was I dying?

I almost wished I had.


That single word screamed through my head like a thousand broken promises. Why give me a gift only to take it away from me? I had no idea I was even pregnant. I didn’t get a chance to fall in love with my baby. With Vince’s baby. I didn’t get a chance to feel it kick. To hear its heartbeat. I didn’t even get to tell Vince. But now I had to tell him that I lost his baby. How could he forgive me? I had danced this whole time, drank some wine, got drunk once or twice. It was my fault.


My fault.

I was vaguely aware of my phone ringing and chiming. I could hear Meadow and Shade’s voices on the other side of the door while I was currently locked away in my room.

“If you need anything, I’m here. Both Shade and I are.” Meadow pulled me into a firm hug. But I was like a statue. I didn’t cry. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t show any emotion. I kept them bottled up because what was the point?

“Don’t tell Vince,” I heard myself say.

Meadow released me, frowning. “He needs to know.”

“I know. I’ll tell him…I...” I turned away from her and started walking down the hall to my bedroom. “I’ll tell him when I’m ready.”

That had been almost three days ago.

When Meadow had helped me to my feet that cold dreaded morning, I could feel the liquid rushing from my body.


So much damn blood.

At that point, even before going to the hospital, I knew. It wasn’t like Vince and I had ever used protection. We tested fate only for it to laugh and throw our mistake back in our faces.



Gigi and I had made plans to meet up. I texted her when I left her place the morning after our moment at the studio and let her know that I was at work. By lunch, I checked my phone and never got a response from her but saw that she had read the message. After I was done work, I called her but again, no response.

I had gone over to her place, but her car wasn’t in the driveway. I left and drove to my apartment but still wondered what the hell was going on.

Driving by her studio, I saw that the lights were off and continued making my way home instead.

When I arrived at my apartment, I still hadn’t received a text or a phone call from her. That had been three days ago.

Something was wrong.

Rory and Mason called me, but I ignored them.