“What do you mean?” The hackles on the back of my neck tingled. “Who the fuck scared you?”

She waved a hand in front of her. “It was a stupid phone call. They kept calling over and over but wouldn’t say anything. Then, when they did, they started screaming and told me they were going to kill me.” Her chin wobbled.

I rushed to her, careful not to step in the glass as Ashton cleaned it up. “You’re okay.” I cupped her nape, placing a soft peck on her forehead.

“I’m okay,” she repeated.

“What happened here?” I asked, nodding toward the mess Ashton was currently cleaning up.

He stopped, resting his hands on top of the broom handle. “Aiden and I went to the bar and he got drunk. Fast. We showed up here because he was being a dick.” He shook his head. “Anyway, I was having trouble helping Aiden into the house and the door banged open, scaring Gigi.”

“I dropped the glass and then I stepped in it.” Gigi glanced down at the bottom of her foot. “I think I got all the pieces.”

“I’ll double-check.” I grabbed the first aid kit and started rummaging through it. “Where’s Aiden now?”

“He’s sleeping. He got in a fight with dad and it all went to shit after that.” Ashton sighed and went back to sweeping. “I know I’ve caused problems and have done shit that I’m not proud of, but disrespecting our parents is not one of them. I don’t know what my brother’s deal is.”

“I don’t think anyone does,” Gigi murmured. “I hope he figures out whatever it is that he’s going through and gets some help.”

“It would help if he talked about it, but he won’t talk to anyone. Not even a professional. All I know is he was discharged from the navy and that it’s. Nothing more.” Ashton sighed. “Sorry again for scaring you.”

Gigi shrugged. “It’s fine. I’m good.”

“Well I’ll leave you two alone and go see how my brother is.” Without another word, he left the kitchen.

“That’s odd.” I stared after him.


“He didn’t comment on us or make a joke or anything.” I looked back at Gigi. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

Her shoulders slumped. “I know. I feel bad for Aiden and Ashton too. His brother’s problem is hurting him.” She pulled the first aid kit closer. “At least I don’t need stitches.”

I never commented on what she said about the twins because what could I say? Aiden was a borderline alcoholic and was causing shit for those he loved. He needed help before it became worse.

I helped Gigi clean up her feet. Luckily not much damage was done. She had a few scrapes from the broken shards of glass but after years of dancing, her feet were tough which worked in her favor.

“Thank you,” she said when we were done.

I stepped between her knees, pushing them open even more. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you got the phone calls.” I brushed my thumb along the length of her jaw. “I should have been.”

“You can’t be here every time something happens.”

It was the on the tip of my tongue to ask her to move in with me so I could be there every time, but I didn’t. I knew that we weren’t at that point yet, no matter how much I wanted us to be. As much as I didn’t want to think it, a part of me wondered if we ever would be.


Attaching my phone tothe speaker, I pressed play on Spotify and let the music sink beneath my skin and slide over every inch of me.

The song had been my warm-up song for as long as I could remember. Even when I was doing ballet and not a broken mess because of a stupid mistake. One wrong move and my career was over.

But was it really?That annoying little voice in my head constantly threw it in my face that I had a good life. I had my own business. I taught, which had been what I wanted to do ever since I slipped my feet into a pair of ballet slippers for the very first time. But how come it wasn’t enough? It had never been enough.

Moving out to the middle of the dance floor, I was vaguely aware of the door to the studio opening. The tiny hairs on my body tingled, knowing it was Vince who had joined me unexpectedly. He stood off to the side, watching and waiting like he always did. We had done this routine so many times now over the past few weeks, I had it memorized. I danced. He massaged out the kinks and aches after. I hadn’t been feeling well the past couple of days, but I needed this. He knew as well that I needed these moments, so he never told me to take it easy.

The bachelorette party I had been planning, had been a hit. The bride loved the surprise and I couldn’t have been more honored that they had chosen me to help them celebrate. I suggested doing the same for Luna and she loved the idea. I started keeping notes and writing down ideas for whenever she was ready to start planning. With Jaron still being in jail, I knew it would be awhile before any wedding was taking place but no matter when it happened, I would be ready and would help where I could.

I continued teaching the girls from Rouge their routine for Candace. But with the way I had been feeling lately, I couldn’t get into it as much as I liked.