“I didn’t want you to forget me,” I whispered, watching his strong fingers move along the pendant.

“Never, Queenie.” His dark eyes popped to mine. “I will never forget you.” He tugged the chain, pulling me forward until our lips met in the middle once again.

He breathed me in, taking everything I was made of and kept it for himself. He took, he gave, he completely consumed me. For someone so young, he was in complete control.

Maybe he was more experienced than I thought. Not that I wanted to think about who he had experienced anything with.

“Gigi,” he murmured against my mouth. “Kiss me, baby. Stop thinking. It’s just us here.”

“Too bad,” I blurted. I coughed, realizing my mistake.

He broke the kiss, staring at me. “You want an audience?”

My cheeks burned. “I want you. That’s it.” For now, went unsaid. Truth was, I had no idea what my sexual desires were but the possibility of getting caught, was exciting. No. Getting caught and still going, was even better.

“Alright, Gigi.” He kissed my jaw, tightening his hold on the necklace. “We’ll talk about that later.”

Good, because I didn’t want to tell him that I wanted to get caught by strangers, friends, or family. I didn’t care. I didn’t want to tell him that voyeurism excited me, in case it scared him away. So instead, I reached around to my back, unclipped my bra, and tossed it to the seat beside us.

Vince’s gaze roamed down the length of me. His eyes burned into me, heating my skin on fire the longer he stared. But instead of commenting like I thought he would, he tugged the chain, pulling me closer and slammed his mouth down hard on mine.

Reaching into his pants, I wrapped a shaky hand around his thick shaft. A whimper left me; my fingers unable to close around him. My body trembled, knowing he would hurt but feel good at the same time.

He cupped the back of my head, fisting my hair and holding me in place as he devoured every inch of my mouth.

Pulling him free from his pants, I rose to my knees and brushed my center over him.

He shivered, sliding his hand down my spine.

Keeping my mouth locked with his, I hooked a finger in the crotch of my panties and pulled the fabric to the side.

“Fuck,” he growled against my lips. “Give it to me, baby.”

“Condom,” I whispered.

“No.” He nipped my bottom lip. “I want to feel you.”

I shivered. “Oh thank God.” I circled against him, the tip of him pushing against my opening. The more I moved, the deeper he went. He stretched me. Owned me. Completely controlled every inch of me. I couldn’t breathe the deeper he went.

Trying to pull away, I needed to catch my breath but his hold on the back of my head, tightened. In a quick move, he dropped me onto him. He swallowed my scream, deepening the kiss.

I wasn’t able to get used to his size as he lifted his hips, powering into me with so much strength, I broke in a matter of minutes. His name left my lips on a hard cry.

He grunted, holding me against him and kept his fingers wrapped in my necklace. He broke the kiss, staring at me with lust in his dark eyes. He brought the pendant up to his lips, giving it a kiss.

I stared at him with awe.

And then he said the unexpected. Something that I never thought I would hear from him. Or anyone for that matter. I wasn’t sure why I was surprised but I was, and I prayed with everything in me that I would hear that single word again. Maybe in time. Maybe when he was done school and came home to me. Little did he know that I would wait for him. I would be there for whenever he was ready.

Vince kissed the corner of my mouth. “Mine.”


3 years later

Watching the young girlsmove as I instructed gave me a sense of satisfaction, I never got from hardly anything else at all. Although when I was dancing to try and further my own career, I was satisfied from that. Or that was what I told myself on a daily basis anyway. My accident had put a damper on my life. Things had taken an unexpected turn when I fell and felt my knee twist in a way it wasn’t supposed to. I knew my career path was over before the doctors told me I could no longer dance. Not how I used to anyway. No more high jumps for this girl. I was finally able to start running again but only if I was careful.

The day I hung up my ballet slippers so to speak, I ended up at a strip club. I couldn’t even remember how I got there. Friends of mine wanted to go out but not to our usual place. We found Rouge, I met the owners, told them I could dance and was hired. Not to strip but to teach the actual strippers how to dance. Although men loved it when a woman took off her clothes, they enjoyed the sensuality in the way she could move her body as well. That was where I came in and I loved every second of it. I also got some new friends out of it, so it was a win-win.