I sighed.

Suddenly, I felt eyes on me.

I looked up, finding my dad, sister, and brother all staring back at me.

My cheeks burned, not realizing I had sighed loud enough for them to hear.

“What’s going on?” Ryder, my younger brother asked, raising a dark eyebrow. Even though he was a couple of years younger than I was, he was definitely bigger. Almost as tall as our dad with the same scowl on his face that most of our fathers had, he could have been our dad’s twin. If Dad were younger anyway.

“Nothing,” I murmured, glancing at Dad.

“How are you feeling, Meadow?” Dad asked, thankfully changing the subject. Not that I was ashamed of whatever was going on between Vince and I. The problem was, I didn’t know what that was, but I knew that I wanted to take it one day at a time.

“I’m feeling fine.” Meadow sat back in the chair.

“Are you sure?” I asked, remembering her telling me she had post-partum depression.

“Yeah. We’re dealing with it.” She sighed. “Shade has been amazing. Losing Sunny…” She shook her head. “It was rough at first but we’re slowly doing better.”

I couldn’t imagine what she had been through, losing someone I loved like she had.

When I had found out that my sister was dating two guys, I wasn’t surprised in the least. Sunny and Shade were older, much older than her, but they were good to her. I loved Shade like a brother and was thankful that he was part of our family. Even our dad liked him. I just wished I could have known Sunny.

While my dad and siblings talked, I discreetly pulled out my phone and sent Vince a text.

Me: Thank you for taking care of me last night.

Vince: You haven’t seen anything yet, Queenie.

My cheeks burned when he responded right away.

Me: You’re making me blush.

Vince: Good. Shouldn’t you be visiting with your family?

Me: I can’t concentrate on what they’re talking about.

Vince: Oh? And what’s making it hard for you to concentrate, baby?

I chewed my bottom lip.

Me: You.

Vince: I know.

I laughed lightly to myself, imagining the smug smile on his face after reading my text.

Me: What are you doing?

Vince: I went home to have a cold shower.

Suddenly a picture came through.

My eyes widened at what I was looking at.

“What’s wrong?”

I jumped, finding my sister staring at me. “Nothing. Excuse me. I have to go to the bathroom.” I rushed out of the booth, making my way to the bathroom at the back of the restaurant. Once I was in a stall, I leaned against the wall and checked my phone. The image was of Vince’s abs but what I noticed most was his hand wrapped around his thick cock. He was standing in the shower with drops of water sliding down his lower body.