Later that evening, we were lying in bed. Holding, touching, just being together in a way that we almost lost.

Because of Tenise and Mason, everything could have turned out much worse. Vince never told me what happened with Mason, but I knew he had confronted him. How could he not? All he told me was that Mason ended up in jail with a few bumps and bruises and maybe a broken bone or two.

I shivered at the thought of Vince losing his temper like that.

It had been a few hours since Vince proposed. He promised over and over again how he would take care of me. Take care of us. He truly showed me that he was determined to break down my walls.

An impromptu one-night stand so many years ago started our obsession.

And now we were together.

As a couple.

As a family.

Finally, after all of this time, we were one.


I slipped my fingersbetween Gigi’s, glancing at our wedding rings. All this time after so many years of doing what I could to make her mine, she was finally, in fact, officially mine. In every sense of the word.

I ran my free hand along the scar on her lower abdomen, grazing it lower until my thumb brushed over the scar in her upper thigh. It had been over a year since she was shot by both Tenise and Mason. She still had nightmares, but they were getting few and far between as the days went by.

“Vince,” Gigi breathed, throwing her head back and rolling her hips against mine.

I was deep inside her body and as much as I wanted to control the movements, I was enjoying watching her take her pleasure from me. Her husband.

After everything that had happened, I never thought we would get to this point. We didn’t talk about how she almost died. And because of that, I never took her, or her feelings for me, for granted.

“Vince.” Gigi kissed me softly. “Stop thinking, baby. It’s just us. We’re fine. I’m fine. I promise you.”

She knew me too damn well.

I cupped her nape, deepened the kiss, and took over.

“Tell me a bedtime story,” Gigi murmured later that night.

My body stirred as she pushed her ass into me.

“Once upon a time, a boy loved a girl with everything he was made of. He finally got her to fall in love with him just the same and they started a new life together. After some minor setbacks, everything was perfect in their little world.” I kissed the side of her neck. “They had a baby girl who was the most perfect little baby.” I cupped Gigi’s chin, turning her head to face me. “And their love, it went deep. Deeper than anything either of them had ever felt before. The boy couldn’t wait to create more lives between them and spend the rest of his life with the girl. His love. His person.”

“The end,” Gigi whispered, her eyes welling.

“No, Queenie.” I kissed her nose. “This is only the beginning.”



We had only been married for a few months before I found out I was pregnant with our second child.

I stared down at the test in my hand, hoping, no, praying that Vince wouldn’t be upset that we were having another baby and so soon. Especially when Hannah was still so young.

A warm body came up behind me. “Is that what I think it is?” Vince asked, slipping his arms around my middle.

“It is.” I turned in his arms. “Are you upset?”

He lowered his mouth to mine, taking my very breath away. “Never,” he murmured, giving my lip a gentle bite.