“Of course.” She handed us a business card. “If you need anything ever, please don’t hesitate to call. If you want to speak to a professional, I can refer you to someone.”

“A psychiatrist?” I asked softly.

Detective Baldwin winked. “Something like that.”


“I need to talkto your father,” I told Gigi, kneeling in front of her.

She grabbed my hands with one of hers, and cupped my face with the other. “I love you. I hope you know that what happened is not your fault. I’m fine and so is Hannah.”

I rose to my feet and towered over her, placing a soft peck on her forehead. She could tell me she was fine all she wanted but it didn’t mean that I wasn’t going to have a little chat with Mason myself.

I wheeled Gigi back into the room to see our daughter. Even though she couldn’t hold her at the moment, Hannah needed to feel the love surrounding her. She was already a little fighter, but I knew that having her mother in the same room as her, would help.

“Where are you going?” Gigi asked when I placed a peck on her head.

“I’m just going to talk to your dad. I’ll be out in the hall.” There was no way that I was going to leave the hospital anytime soon to search Mason out. As much as I needed to confront him, that could wait. I had to stay with Gigi and Hannah. Until they both became stronger and I could bring them home, the shit I had to say to Mason could wait.


I stopped at the door, turning back to the woman who was my one and only. She was everything I ever needed. Over the years, I saw what my parents had, and I strived for the same. I knew I would have it with Gigi because I could never consider anything less and that was what anyone else would be. Less because she was everything.

As if she knew what I was thinking, a blush hit Gigi’s cheeks.

“I love you, Queenie.”

Her eyes shone. “I love you, Vince.”

When I left the room, I was met with Angel walking down the hall toward me.

“She know anything?” he asked, nodding toward the room that Gigi was in.

“Nope. Not yet anyway.” I pulled off the gown and mask and threw them in the trash before following Angel down the hall to a more enclosed area.

“You sure you want to do this?” he asked, pulling his cell phone out of his back pocket. “You know that this can mess you up right?”

I crossed my arms under my chest, leaning against the wall. A smirk splayed on my face. “It won’t but thank you for your concern.”

Angel raised an eyebrow. “Now’s not the time to be cocky, Vince.”

“Oh, I’m not cocky.” I scratched my jaw. “I’m confident. Mason messed with what’s mine. Since I can’t confront Tenise about it…” I let my voice trail off, knowing Angel would get the hint. Bottom line, Mason was going to get my full wrath. Tenise was a woman. A very sick woman. But I couldn’t touch her. Society frowned on that sort of thing. Mason, on the other hand, was a different story.

“Fine.” Angel handed me his phone. “I called in a favor. Mason was found lurking around the center. I’ve been told that he looked out of it. Maybe drunk. That was last night. I don’t know where he is now.”

“I’ll find him.” And I would. I had known Mason since I was a kid, I knew all of his favorite hangout spots.

“Does your other friend know about this?”

I handed Angel back his phone, thinking a moment before I outright told him the conversation I had with Rory. “He knows enough,” I finally said.

“Let me go with you,” Rory said, cracking his knuckles for added effect.

“No.” I turned and headed to the door. “I already told you too much. The less you know, the better.”

“Vince, he was my best friend too.”

I spun on him. “Yeah, and he tried to kill my girlfriend and unborn baby.” Rory didn’t deserve my wrath but unfortunately for him, he was in the direct path of my rage.