While we walked to where my daughter was, the doctor was filling me in on how her lungs weren’t fully developed and how she needed some help to breathe. I was just thankful she was alive.

We rounded a corner and walked through a double set of doors. He swiped his card along a black box sitting on a wall and pushed open the door for me. “You need to wash your hands and gown up but she’s just right in there.”

I did as I was told, waiting with bated breath for the chance to meet my daughter. Gigi’s and my baby girl.

A nurse guided me into the room with beeping machines and monitors. She stopped in front of a small glass box that had tubes coming out of it and gave me a small smile. “Here she is.”

That time, my knees gave out beneath me and I fell.



Every inch of me hurt. I didn’t want to open my eyes for fear that they would hurt too but I felt a sense of loss. Something was missing and I couldn’t figure out what it was exactly.

I shifted, a sharp pain shooting through my abdomen.

I tried thinking back to the past twenty-four hours, but I couldn’t remember much.

The scent of pasta hit my nose.

I was cooking for Vince. Yes, I remembered that now. I had been making supper for us while I waited for him to come home and greet me with his passion and kisses like he always had. But something was different this time. He didn’t come home. Not at first. No. Someone else came home instead.



Secrets and betrayal were revealed.

Pain. So much damn pain.

My eyes shot open.

White lights blinded me.

I blinked a few times, the room finally becoming clearer. I was in what looked like a hospital room.

“Vince,” I mumbled, my throat dry.


I turned my head, my gaze landing on Vince’s handsome face.

“Baby.” He closed the distance between us, wrapping himself around me as best he could without hurting me. “I thought I lost you.”

“Never,” I said, my throat hoarse.

He kissed me softly on my mouth, my nose, my forehead, and my mouth again. “I love you.”

“I loveyou.” I wanted to touch him, but my arm was heavy. “What happened?”

“You were shot twice.” He ran the back of his knuckles along my cheek. “The police are here and will want to ask you questions when they find out you’re awake.”

“It was Tenise and…and M-Mason,” I told him.

Vince lifted his head, staring down at me. “What?”

“Tenise.” I cleared my throat. “Mason. They shot me.”