“Why are you in on this?” I asked Mason.

“Because I’m in love with Tenise,” he said like I should have known. Like it was the most obvious answer.

“Now what?” I whispered, wishing I could go back in time. Wishing that none of this had happened. Wishing that Vince and I had moved and not told anyone. But with the way things were going, Tenise and Mason probably would have found us no matter where we were. This was going to destroy both him and Rory. Just when you thought you truly knew someone and find out they are not as they seem. My heart ached for Vince. For both of them.

A knowing look passed between Mason and Tenise.

“I want to know why you took Vince from me.” Tenise placed her hand on the gun. “I want to know why you messed everything up.”

“I didn’t know he was yours. You were with Rory.” I took a chance and glanced at Mason. His face was impassive, almost like he was waiting for Tenise’s next instructions.

She scoffed, waving her hand in front of her face. “Please. Rory was just a reason for me to get closer to Vince. That’s the only reason I stayed with him. It was all a ruse anyway. I never loved Rory.”

“You want Rory and Mason? As well as Vince?” I asked, looking between them both.

“I haven’t decided yet.” She looked up at Mason. “What do you think?”

Mason smiled. “Whatever you want, baby.”

I gaped at him. He was seriously delusional. They both were but to stand there and listen to her wanting to be with Vince when he was clearly in love with her, didn’t make sense to me.

“I wanted a threesome with him and Rory, but Rory was all about his friendship and shit.” She scowled. “What guy turns down a chance to have a threesome?” She grabbed the gun and brought it under the table.

My heart started racing. I didn’t know if she was aiming it at me, but I could only assume that she was. “Please, Tenise. I don’t know what you want but you don’t have to do this.”

“I told you what I want.” She sat forward, the sound of a click erupting through the quiet of the room. “I want Vince. I want to avenge my father. I can’t take out Vince’s parents. I could try but this is actually better. I already tried getting rid of you, but you’re determined to make things difficult for me. So now, this is the only way.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, my voice shaking.

“How’s that house of yours?” She laughed. “I also heard you fell off a ladder. That must have been scary.”

My eyes widened. “That was you? But how?”

“The ladder was all Mason.” She sat up straighter.

Mason only grinned.

“But it was simple really. I stole your phones when you were sleeping and Googled how to make a Molotov cocktail, threw one down the hall so you couldn’t escape your room the easy way and then threw one in your living room.” She shrugged. “And you know the rest.”

“Why would you set my house on fire and risk killing Vince when you clearly want him?”

She tilted her head, a slow grin spreading on her face. “Because, silly. If I can’t have him. No one can. And that means you.”

My throat went dry. “Please, you don’t want to do this.”

“Yes, I do. Rory didn’t want me.” The smile fell from her face. “And Vince doesn’t want me, but he will. I’ll make him see that we are meant to be together. I’ll give him proper babies. Not that diseased thing you’re carrying. And if he refuses, then I’ll take him out. I have Mason to spend the rest of my life with anyway. So either way, I’ll be happy but Vince’s parents won’t be. They’ll be sad that they lost their little boy because his mom took out someone who didn’t deserve it.”

I didn’t know much about Vince’s uncle, but I had heard that he wasn’t exactly stable. Obviously that trait was passed down to his damn kid.

“What are you going to do to me?” I whispered.

Tenise’s gaze dropped to the plate in front of me. “I want you to finish eating the fucking food.”

Mason chuckled.

I lifted the fork and went to grab another forkful of food when a loud pop sounded. It made my ears ring. It had been so damn loud; I wasn’t expecting it.

I could see Tenise’s lips moving but was unable to make out what she was saying.