“I do,” I said, even though it hadn’t been a question.

She nodded again. “Rory broke up with me.”

“I-I heard that but that was months ago.” What did she want?

Her dark eyes landed on me. “Did you fuck him too? You probably fucked all of them.”

“Excuse me?” I was taken aback by her question. “I didn’t sleep with Rory or Mason if that’s who you mean.”

“No. I asked if you fucked him. Not if you slept with him.” Tenise moved to the dining room table and sat.

“What do you want, Tenise? We haven’t seen or even heard from you in months. What’s going on? Why now? Why not before?” I tried controlling the fear trembling in my voice, but truth was, I was terrified. Especially for my baby.

The way Tenise kept glancing at my stomach made me realize that she was jealous. She longed for something she couldn’t have and a part of me felt sorry for her because of that.

“I want Vince.” She looked at me then. “You willing to give him to me?”

“What?” My eyes widened. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am serious. You asked me why it took so long for me to come around. For me to do this.” She waved a hand between us. “Truth is, I knew you were pregnant. That last time I saw you at Rory’s place. You tried hiding your bump but you didn’t do a good job of it.” She sat forward, her brows narrowing in the center. “I want Vince to suffer. He took Rory from me. So I’m going to take you and your baby from him.”

“Vince had nothing to do with Rory breaking up with you.”

“No?” She laughed. “Doesn’t matter. What does matter is now that your baby is big enough, you could give birth now and probably be fine. But that’s not going to happen. Vince is going to suffer. He’s spent these months getting used to the idea of having a baby coming. So have you. I wonder what would happen if I popped his little dream.”

I swallowed hard.

She sat back, placing the pistol on the table beside the plate of food in front of her. “You should sit and eat. Gotta feed that baby of yours. Is it Vince’s? I heard you were a slut and fucked around with half the guys in the city. You probably fucked Rory and Mason too. Maybe all three of them at the same time, like some sick gangbang.”

I wasn’t sure why she kept bringing up Rory and Mason. I had only met them a handful of times since making things official with Vince. But we never actually hung out. In time I knew we would because they were Vince’s best friends, but they had been busy with work. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“No?” She laughed. “You’re a slut.”

I had no idea where she could hear that from. It wasn’t like we hung out with the same people.

“Sit,” she said, nodding to the empty chair across from her. “Eat.Now!” She landed a fist on top of the table.

I jumped, did as I was told, and sat in the chair opposite her. “What do you want?”

“Right now, I want you to eat.” She placed her hand on the pistol, waiting.

When she didn’t say anything and only watched me, I picked up the fork and began eating, but I couldn’t enjoy the food. Not with her watching me. Not with the pistol beneath her hand.

Once I finished, I went to stand when she lifted the pistol.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I was going to put my dishes in the sink,” I told her, my eyes flicking to the gun.

“But you’re not done.” She pushed the second plate of food toward me. “Eat up.”

I slowly lowered back to the chair. I could have said that I wasn’t hungry, but truth was, the pregnancy had upped my appetite. A lot.

“Babe, you should really be nicer.”

My back stiffened at the deep voice coming from the hallway. With my fork halfway to my mouth, I watched as Mason came farther into the apartment.

Tenise only grinned.