“I don’t give a shit about me.” He gently pushed me out of the way and smashed whatever was in his hand against the window glass.

“But I do.” I pulled the fabric from around my face and covered his mouth and nose with it.

“Gigi.” He tried pulling it from his face.

“Fight me later but right now, you need it too.”

“You’re fucking pregnant.” He ripped my hand from his face and tied the fabric back around my head. “Youcan fightmelater.” His eyes were dark with fury. Not at me but at the situation itself, and I knew when to back down.

Vince smashed the object that he was holding against the glass until it finally broke. When he reached for me, I stepped back.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to help you out.” He grabbed a blanket off the bed and threw it over the windowsill. He grabbed my arm and lifted me.

“What about you?” My heart was pounding in my ears, the smoke making me cough.

“I’m right behind you.” He cupped my face, kissing me hard on the mouth. “I promise.”

The blanket made it easier so we wouldn’t get cut by the broken glass. Once I was out the window, I landed on the ground with an oomph. My house was only one floor and the window wasn’t too high but it had still been quite a drop. I turned back for Vince to help him.

“Go get help.”

“What?” I tried reaching for him. “No. I can helpyou. The window is big enough. You can get out and we can get help together.”

“I’m too heavy, baby. Go get help,” he said, his voice firm but hoarse from the smoke. “I’m right behind you.”

“No, I’m not leaving you.” I tried tugging him closer, but I wasn’t strong enough. “Please.”

“Gigi, go.” He pulled my hands from around his neck and kissed my forehead. “Go get help.Now.”

I huffed and rushed off, running through my backyard to the other side of the house. Unlocking the fence door, I continued running to the nearest neighbor. When I arrived, I bounded up the front porch and started banging on the door. “Help me! Please help me! My house is on fire. Please, someone!”

I didn’t know what time it was. It was the middle of the night. That was all I knew. But at that point I didn’t care. I looked behind me, my stomach sinking that Vince was nowhere in sight.

A light turned on inside the house, followed by the porch light.

“Please!” I continued banging on the door.

The door opened, revealing an older man. “What’s going on?”

“My house is on fire and my boyfriend told me to go get help, but I think something happened. He didn’t follow me. Please, call 911.” I was frantic with worry, my heart pounded hard against the walls of my rib cage but all I could think about was losing Vince when I had only just finally found him.

“Marge!” The older man called out. “Call 911. There’s a fire.” He looked back at me. “Show me where your boyfriend is.”

I ran back down the porch.

“I’m going to help the kids next door,” he called out to who I could only assume was his wife.

“I called 911!” she yelled back. “Firemen are on their way!”

“Alright, sweetheart, show me where he is.” The older man continued following me. I realized then that he was holding an ax. “What happened?” he asked me.

“We were sleeping, and the smoke detectors went off. We saw smoke and then the door caught on fire and…and…” I stopped suddenly. The house, my house, was fully ablaze. “Vince.” A sob left me.

“Show me!” the man demanded, running up the side of the house.

“In the back.” I followed him, leading him to my bedroom window. “I was able to get out and he should have been right behind me. The window isn’t too small but something—” I stopped by the patio door as the man ran past me.