

I woke to Vince sleeping soundlessly beside me. His long eyelashes were fanned out on top of his cheeks. His hair was messy thanks to my fingers constantly running through them when he went down on me earlier that night.

My body still burned from his mouth. When he had finally given me the release I craved, he continued taking everything he had wanted from me.

In a rough move, Vince pulled me from the couch and spun me around before thrusting into me.

I gasped, arching against him.

“I’m sorry.” He bit my shoulder. “Fuck, I didn’t mean to be rough.”

“I’m fine.” I trembled against him. “I’m good. Just please don’t ever stop.”

And he hadn’t for at least an hour.

Now we were in bed and I was supposed to be sleeping, but something had woken me up and I couldn’t fall back asleep. I wasn’t sure what it was. I laid there for what felt like forever when suddenly, the sound of the smoke detector went off. I shot upright.

“What the hell?” Vince grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.


He looked at me.

I nodded toward the door. There was smoke coming into the room from under it. I quickly got dressed and handed him his clothes.

“Shit, the light’s not working,” Vince grumbled, trying to turn on the lamp on my nightstand.

I went to the end table on the other side of the bed. “Where’s my phone?” My charger was still plugged into the wall, but my phone wasn’t attached to it like it was when I had gone to bed.

“I can’t find mine either.” Vince got dressed and went to the door. He tapped the doorknob. “Fucking hell. Gigi.” He looked my way.

Even though it was dark, the moonlight had cast an eerie glow into the room, so I could still see the fear in his eyes.

“Vince,” I whispered. “What is it?”

“I think your…” His voice shook. “I think your house is on fire.”


I had never feltfear like I did tonight. The fact that the fire had happened while we were sleeping, set me on edge.

Vince rushed to the window, trying to pry it open. “Fuck, I can’t open it.”

I went to his side and tried helping him but even with both of us trying, it wouldn’t budge. “Do you think something’s blocking it? I open this window all the time. There’s no reason for it not to open now.” I tried again but as strong as I was, I couldn’t get it to budge.

“Hold on.” Vince went around the room, searching for something in the dark that he could use to break the window glass.

There was more smoke coming into the room when suddenly, the door went up in flames.

“Vince.” I gasped, grabbing whatever I could to help him break the window.

My lungs felt like they were on fire.

Vince ripped off his shirt and ran to the en suite bathroom before coming back. He tied a wet piece of fabric around my head, covering my nose and mouth.

“What about you?” I demanded when I saw that he hadn’t done the same for himself.