I laughed. “Take me out for lunch. Your baby is hungry.”

Vince kissed me one last time, reminding me that I had nothing to worry about. I knew that. I trusted him but I didn’t trust Tenise.

Not one bit.

My phone suddenly rang, startling me. I pulled it from my bag, seeing that it was my mom calling. “Hey, Mom. How’s it going?”

“Your dad,” her voice trailed off.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, my stomach sinking.

Vince’s brows narrowed in the middle.

Her breath caught. “Gigi.” She paused. “Your dad had an accident.”


When we arrived atthe hospital, I felt like I was watching myself from afar. Vince had called Meadow for me and left a message on Ryder’s phone. I wasn’t even sure if Ryder would get the message or when he would be able to get back to us. But at least he would know that he was thought of and would check in when he could.

Mom didn’t give me a lot of information over the phone. Just that Dad was working at a job site and fell off a ladder, but that was it.

Suddenly the passenger side door opened, revealing Vince.

I looked around us, not even realizing we had parked. I left the car, grabbed Vince’s hand for strength I wasn’t sure I would ever feel, and let him lead me into the big building.

When we reached the floor my dad was on, I found my mom standing with Meadow and Shade. I let go of Vince’s hand and rushed toward them. “Mom.”

She turned, facing me and opening her arms.

I ran into them, hugging my body around her. “What happened?”

“I’m going to kill your father, that’s what’s going to happen.”

I leaned back. “What are you talking about?” I asked as Vince joined us.

“Dad was a bad boy,” Meadow mumbled.

“I’ve been on him to get glasses,” Mom explained. “He can’t see worth shit but he refuses because it makes him feel old.” She scowled. “Anyway, he went up a ladder and lost his footing and slipped. He fell and landed hard. Knocked himself out. There was a lot of blood and the guys freaked. Turns out he has a concussion.”

“But he’s fine? Besides that, and you wanting to kill him?” I asked, needing to know that the first man I ever loved, would be okay.

“Yeah.” Mom gave me a small smile. “He’s fine. He has to take a few days off. If he expects me to take care of him and wait on him hand and foot…”

“You’ll do it,” Meadow finished for her.

Mom sighed. “Yeah, I will. Listen, don’t either of you do that shit, you hear me?” she told Shade and Vince.

They chuckled.

“I’m serious.” Mom glared at them.

“Yes ma’am.” Vince linked his fingers with mine. “I’ll be a good boy.”

“Same here.” Shade wrapped his arm around Meadow’s shoulders. “I’m sure Meadow will punish me if I don’t anyway.”

Meadow only grinned. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

We all laughed that time.