Me: Yup.

Sammy: Where are you?

Me: Party.

Cyrus: We’re less than five minutes away if anything goes down.

Me: Good.

I put my phone away appreciating that I wasn’t truly alone and that Piper was safe. Even if I wasn’t around, she would always be safe.

Cyrus and Sammy were a few years older than me and had been the brothers I never had. We were family, whether we were blood related or not. That fact alone didn’t matter. I would lay my life on the line for them and they would, in turn, do the same for me.

My phone vibrated again.

Glancing at the small screen, I saw that a text had come in from an unknown number. My eyes popped up, landing on Brody standing across the yard. The fucker nodded once.

The tiny hairs on the back of my neck rose. He bothered me in ways I had never come across before. I knew some vile men. His father being one of them. But Brody Davies was different. On the outside, he was nice and innocent, but get him alone or piss him off and he would snap. My uncle was right. He was way too clean. His record was perfect. No one’s record was perfect. Even if they never got caught, they still did something. Anything. But Brody hadn’t. At all.

A laugh sounded a few feet away. That same laugh made my dick leak and my mouth water.

Brody’s eyes followed the sound, landing on Piper who stood with Gigi, Meadow, and a few other girls. Gigi said something, using her hands animatedly, causing bubbles of laughter to erupt from the group.

My phone vibrated again.

I glanced down.

Unknown: You shouldn’t be at the party.

Me: You should mind your own business.

Unknown: You’re in my town. Youaremy business.

Me: You’re not being very discreet, Mayor.

Unknown: I have no idea what you’re talking about.




“Have you girls talked to Luna?” I asked Gigi and Meadow.

“No.” Gigi pulled her hair back into a tight ponytail. “I think she has her hands full with Zach.”

I nodded. Luna was another friend who had finally started dating her crush. Zach Porter was Jaron’s cousin and another one who was silent and broody. It seemed that Luna had been the only one to ever put a smile on his face.

“How are things going with you and those bikers?” I asked Meadow, waggling my eyebrows.

Meadow laughed, taking a sip of her wine. “So good. I like that they don’t make me feel like a little girl. Not that it would be an issue if they did. You know that whole Daddy Dom thing and all, but it’s not really my scene.”

“Daddy Dom?” Gigi repeated, frowning.

Meadow patted her hand. “You need to read more.”

Gigi blushed. “I’m so naïve.”