“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” The black and white picture sat in my pocket. I found out at Cyrus and Sammy’s last visit that she had them mail it to me. My girl was good. Even though I had pushed her away in the beginning, she was stubborn and fighting.

Keep fighting, baby. I’m here.


“Listen, Cyrus and Sammy are watching over her. I’ll see her tomorrow at the trial. She’ll vouch for me. I know she will.”

“I know she will too.” My dad gave me a soft smile. “I have no doubt about that.”

“I should go.” I needed to call her.

“Keep your head up, Jaron,” my dad warned. “And trust no one within these walls.”

“I know. Give Mom a hug for me.”

Wait for me, Piper. Don’t listen to me. Please don’t listen to me. I need you. I’m coming for you, sweet girl.

And when I saw her again, I was never letting her go.



Jaron had been charged with involuntary manslaughter. Even though we both knew that it was definitely voluntary.

Being called up to the stand to testify, had been one of the hardest things I had ever done. The mayor had been there and that didn’t make me feel any better. He was slimy, his eyes raking over my body. Bile rose to my throat, just thinking about it.

That had been a few months ago and now I was spending most of my time, waiting for the phone call that Jaron was being released.

As if on cue, my phone rang, startling me. My heart thumped. There was no way.

“Hello?” I greeted whoever was on the other end.


My eyes widened. “Jaron.”

“I’m ready, baby,” he told me.

“Are you getting out? Please tell me that you’re getting out,” I pleaded. I needed him. We had so much to work through, but I couldn’t do it without him at my side.

“I am, Piper.” Jaron sighed. “Tomorrow.”

“I’ll be there,” I told him. “I promise.”

“Good.” He paused. “Both of you?”

I smiled, bringing my knees up to my chest. “Yeah. Both of us.”

“Thank fucking God.”

“Jaron?” I said, picking at a fuzz on the blanket wrapped around me.

“Yeah, baby?”

“Do you think we can do this?” I needed him to voice his thoughts. I needed to know that I wasn’t crazy for thinking there was something between us. That we could make this work.

“If I have you, if I have both of you, Piper. Yes, I think we can do this. Will it be easy? No. No relationship is. But I know how I feel about you.”