She laughed. “No. If anything, you should be proud. He was bragging, saying it was the best sex of his life.”

“Oh.” My face fell. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I wasn’t into it anyway. The first time, sure, but it never should have happened again after that.” She shrugged. “Live and learn I guess.”

“I probably should have…I don’t know. Asked you first? You know, chicks before dicks kind of thing.” I laughed lightly, my heart stuttering. God, I was nervous. I never got nervous. Not about this shit. But Piper was a friend. Even though I was a few years younger than them, I was never excluded growing up. They never considered me as just Gigi’s little sister.

“Girl, trust me. If they can get off my back, I’m down for it. It was fun but after Paris…” Her cheeks reddened. “And…”

“And tonight?” I added for her.

She looked away. “Yeah.”

“Hey.” I touched her arm gently. “I don’t judge. Jaron’s hot. Intense but very hot. I see the way he looks at you.”

She met my gaze then. “Really? You saw something?”

“Oh yeah. It almost makes me jealous.” I rose from the bed and went to the floor-length mirror that hung on the wall by the bathroom. For a rundown motel, at least they had a good-sized mirror.

“Really?” Piper scoffed. “Since when do you get jealous?” she asked, coming up beside me.

“I know. It’s throwing me off too.” I was only twenty-two. Was I even ready to settle down? It wasn’t like I had found anything even remotely close to what I had been looking for. Ashton was fun but that was it. And it was safe with him. I wanted dangerous. I wanted more. “I think I’m going to head back to that bar.” That would definitely be dangerous. I smiled to myself.

“Are you sure you want to do that? Is it even safe?”

I ran my hands down my front, smoothing out the wrinkles of my dress. “Safe is boring, Piper. That’s why you let Jaron fuck you in the bathroom tonight.” I turned toward her. “Isn’t that right?”

She blushed, running a hand over the back of her neck. “Yeah, but…” She sighed. “Oh, who am I kidding. It was fucking amazing.”

I laughed, pulling her in for a hug. “See?” I leaned back, holding her at arm’s length. “Now, I’m going to go have some fun of my own.”

“Fine.” Piper searched my face. “Call us if something goes wrong though.”

“I will. I’ll text you when I get to the bar and to wherever else I end up but please don’t worry. They know Jaron. So they can’t be that bad.”

“True.” Piper chewed her bottom lip. “Be safe and have fun.”

Oh, I planned on it.