
I HAD ALWAYS BEENthe dominant one. Whether it be in my sexual exploits, relationships, or even my damn job, I always barked out the commands. But when this little lamb made her own demand of me, I couldn’t help but comply.

She had quickly given us her number when we were told by the woman sitting beside Jaron that they would be leaving alone.

Too bad. But it didn’t mean that I couldn’t tease this sweet little thing a bit.

While laughter sounded around the room, I cupped her knee and inched my hand higher beneath her dress.

She shifted on my lap, pushing her round ass harder against my dick, but she never stopped me. No, she continued her conversation with her friends while the big bad wolf played with his little lamb.

I passed a glance at Shade.

He moved to the empty chair beside me, placing his elbows on the table and shielding us from any onlookers. Reaching out, he cupped her knee.

She coughed and then continued her conversation.

I bit back a chuckle. “Tell me your name, Little Lamb,” I murmured in her ear when there was a break in her conversation.

“Meadow,” she said. Her voice was soft. Husky. But while it wasn’t full-bodied and loud, it still held a hint of a confidence that I craved.

“Do you want to play with the wolves in the meadow, Little Lamb?” It was cheesy but the smile it put on her face was fucking worth it.

“Oh yeah.” She pushed her ass back against me.

My cock twitched, swelling beneath her. Sliding my hand higher up her thigh, her dress now sat bunched up at the crease between her thigh and hip.

Shade kept his hand on her knee.

In a quick move, I spread my legs, forcing her knees apart.

Her breath caught.

I noticed then that Jaron and Piper had disappeared, leaving Shade and I alone with Meadow and her sister who was currently passed out on top of the table.

“She good?” I asked, pushing my hand higher up Meadow’s inner thigh.

“Yeah.” She hooked her arm around my shoulders and looked down at our hands on her. “She had too much to drink in a short amount of time.” She glanced between us both, her dark eyes twinkling with mischief. “So, do you always pick up younger women at the bar?”

I grunted.

Shade chuckled. “No. It’s been awhile. We’re rusty.”

“Hmm.” Meadow pushed her ass into me. “By that delicious lump in your jeans, you don’t seem that rusty.”

A laugh rumbled through me. “That’s why there’s a lump. Because it’s been awhile.”

“Aww.” She pouted. “Poor, baby. So, is this a thing? You two pick up women, bring them home and tear them apart?”

“No.” Shade scratched his jaw, his eyes raking over Meadow. “But I sure wouldn’t mind trying to rip you apart.”

“Hmm…” Meadow leaned forward, cupping his cheek.

Shade licked his full mouth and I knew that if we were alone, he would have pushed his hand into her hair, pulled her against him, and kissed the hell out of her. I knew because it was what he did. We had fucked so many women together, that I could predict every single one of his moves. I had a feeling that with Meadow though, she would keep us both on our toes.

“I think that can be arranged,” she purred.

My dick jumped. Fucking hell. This woman was something else.