Cyrus stood behind Shade and I, and reached over us for the bottle of whiskey. “We need moonshine. That shit is stronger. And this definitely calls for something stronger.”

“Truth, brother.” Sammy held out his hand, waiting.

Cyrus pulled a swig right from the bottle before handing it to his twin. “We don’t know any more than what we’ve already told you,” he said before Greyson had a chance to ask him.

Grey scrubbed a hand down his face. “You guys are watching Piper, right?”

“Yup.” Sammy pulled back another swig from the bottle. “She’s at her parents’ place. We introduced ourselves to them and said we were Jaron’s cousins. Her mom’s a feisty little thing and her dad’s a big fucker. They were just thankful that Jaron stopped it before…” Sammy cleared his throat. “Anyway. Her parents are good people.”

“They are.” Greyson searched the room, meeting each of our stares. “We need to keep Piper safe. Jaron is going to go through hell in jail because I can guaran-fucking-tee you that the mayor will stick his minions on him. And Tanner.” He shook his head. “We need to play nice. If something happens to my son…”


All of us turned to the soft voice coming from the doorway.

Eve stood there. She chewed her bottom lip. The dark bags that were under Grey’s eyes, sat beneath hers just the same.

“Hey, what are you doing up?” he asked gently, holding his arms out.

She rushed to them, wrapping herself around her husband’s middle. “I couldn’t sleep. I keep having nightmares that I’ll never see our son again.”

Grey held her against him, his eyes flicking to each of ours. “We need to find out what’s going on.” Before he lost his wife completely, went unsaid.

We would figure out what was going on. How long Jaron would be in jail for and anything else that we could get. It was just going to take time.

While everyone talked amongst themselves, I caught Cyrus and Sammy quietly talking to each other. My stomach twisted. Something told me that they knew more than what was being said. I just hoped they told Greyson. As gentle as he had become over the years since meeting his wife, when it came to his family, club brother or not, his wife and kid came first. It didn’t matter who you were. He would take you out and ask questions later. Jaron was the exact same way and unfortunately for him, it backfired.