“A prospect in Tanner’s club. He told Shade that he should be shot and pissed on for being gay.”

“What happened after that?” Catch asked, his voice coming out rough.

“Tanner broke the kid’s arm.” I downed my drink.

“Good.” Catch clinked his glass against mine. “Your girl okay with the two of you banging?”

“That hasn’t happened yet but yes, she’s supportive.” I swished the liquid around in the tumbler.

“Then that’s all that matters.” Catch shook his head. “I never pegged you for someone who cared what other people thought.”

“It’s not other people I worry about. It’s Greyson, you, Tray, every other brother we have in this club. It’s Jaron. The twins. Everyone.” I stood and began pacing. “I don’t want any issues. I especially don’t want any issues for Shade.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

I looked up.

Shade came into the kitchen. “Are we having a party?”

I chuckled, remembering when we first met Meadow and how she asked the same question when she found us standing outside that bar.

Shade winked, sat at the table, and poured himself a drink.

“Nah. Your boy is stressing,” Catch said, leaning back in his chair.

“He does that.” Shade patted the chair beside him.

I let out a hard sigh and sat.

Much to my surprise, Shade grabbed my hand. “He doesn’t care. None of them do.”

“I seem to recall you stressing over what our brothers thought as well,” I reminded him.

“Well, I can tell you…” Catch pushed the bottle closer to me. “I don’t care. As long as it’s consensual between all adult parties, that’s all that matters. And besides, we have more important things to worry about than what body parts you’re into.”

True. “Do we know anything?”

“No.” Greyson took that moment to enter the kitchen. “And my wife is losing herself because of this shit.”

My chest tightened.

Greyson prepared coffee, his back rigid and stiff. Once the coffee was brewing, he turned and leaned against the counter. Bags sat beneath his eyes. He looked like he had aged years in a matter of hours.

“Anything we can do?” Catch asked gently.

“Not at the moment.” Greyson muttered a curse. “All we can do now is wait. The mayor has it out for him. Always has but now it’s worse since he killed his son. Fuck, I don’t know what Jaron was thinking. All I know is that Brody attacked Piper and Jaron stopped it.” Something flashed behind Greyson’s eyes, a dark shadow passing over his face. “I can’t say that I’m sorry he took Brody out, but I wish he would have done it differently.”

“Yeah because we all would have done it differently,” Catch mumbled.

“I know.” Greyson poured himself a cup of coffee. “I would have done the same thing. We all would have but it doesn’t make it right. My son has a temper. He’s more of a hothead than I am and that’s saying something.”

I grunted. “Truth.”

Shade squeezed my hand, inching closer to me. “Meadow doesn’t know any more, does she?”

“No.” I rested our joined hands on my lap. “She doesn’t. Not that she’s said anyway.”

“I’ll ask the twins,” Greyson said as Cyrus and Sammy came into the kitchen. “Speak of the devil.”