I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the shower before pushing him up against the wall.

His breath caught. “Sunny.”

“Shut up,” I demanded. “I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t know what Roxanne wants besides money, but I think it’s more than that.” I had a gut feeling that we would find out the hard way. “But something I do know is that I like Meadow and I want more with her. But I’m…I’m in love with you.” I realized then that I had never actually told him that. Even after all of these years. It had always been an‘I care about you’but only after he told me he loved me first.

“Sunny,” he repeated, gripping my hips.

“Don’t.” I looked away. “I just…I need to know that if this thing with Meadow becomes serious, that there’s no jealousy between us. I can’t handle that. I’ll step away first and let you have her.”

“No.” He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me tighter against him. “That won’t happen. She even said that you and I started first.”

I leaned my forehead against his. “This is weird, you know?”

He chuckled lightly. “Yeah. I’ve been in love with you for years but it’s like our relationship has only just started.”

I sighed, running my fingers down his sides, to the waist of his jeans. “Have you heard anything about Tanner wanting Meadow to go to his club?”

“No, but I’m sure he’ll contact one of us soon. Or knowing him, he’ll just show up.”

I grunted. “He must want something.”

“He always wants something, but this is off, even for him. He hasn’t been around in quite a while and now he all of a sudden is making an appearance?” Shade scoffed. “This shit doesn’t make sense.

“I know,” I bit out, brushing my finger over the bulge now showing in Shade’s soaked jeans.

“Sunny.” Shade’s voice dropped an octave. “I’m not pressuring you, but you really need to stop doing that.”

“Why?” I wasn’t sure what was coming over me. Sure, we had done some touching already but this was something else entirely. I wanted to feel him. I wanted to make love to him like we did to Meadow. I wanted him to know that I was in this for the long run but at the same time, I was scared. What if I wasn’t good enough? I knew my way around a woman’s body like the back of my own hand. Better in fact. But this was different.

“Hey.” Shade kissed the corner of my mouth. “We should go to bed. Check in with Greyson in the morning and then go on our date tomorrow night.”

All of that sounded damn near perfect but it wasn’t enough.

Before I could stop myself, I dropped to my knees, keeping my hands on his hips.

“Sunny.” Shade’s eyes burned into me but for fear that I would chicken out, I didn’t look up at him. “You don’t have to…” His voice trailed off.

I knew I didn’t. It wasn’t like I had ever been one to do something that I didn’t want to do. I would do it for him. Because I needed to prove to him that I was his. That I was both of theirs.



This was not something that I was expecting. Especially with Sunny. But when he said that he was in love with me, I knew that things between us had changed. I didn’t understand why when we had been together for years. But maybe it was something that didn’t need explaining. Or maybe Meadow had a hand in it without even knowing it. Either way, seeing Sunny on his knees in front of me, sparked this newfound dominance inside of me. It was a dominance I had ever only shown a woman. Not a man. And definitely not Sunny.

“I need to go slow,” he told me, his voice rough. It was laced with that delicious arousal I had come to crave from him.

“Youarein control, Sunny,” I reassured him. This was all for him. As much as I loved that we were jumping over another hurdle, I didn’t want to spook him and have this end before it ever began.

“I don’t know if I can ever fuck you,” he confessed, meeting my gaze that time. “But I want to do everything else. I want…I want to try. And maybe one day, we’ll get there.”

I nodded quickly, my cock jumping behind the fabric of my jeans at what he was suggesting.

“But I don’t know if I can ever have you inside of me.” He lifted the hem of my shirt, placing a soft peck on my hip bone. “Idoknow that I want to take this one day at a time and I want…I want you both to fuck the fear out of me.”

“Fuck.” I blew out a slow breath.

He chuckled, the sound making my cock jump. With nimble fingers, he pulled the fly of my jeans apart. “I want to make you feel good.”