

My back stiffened at the desperation in Shade’s voice as he came toward me. I puffed on my smoke, not commenting on the matter at hand.

“Sunny.” He took the cigarette from my hand and stuck it between his lips. “I will have her. Both of us will.” He was on the verge of losing it because he had actually quit smoking a while ago. But whenever he was on edge, he grabbed a smoke, lit it up, and acted like nothing was wrong.

“How do you figure? She was probably just having some fun. Maybe she got dared by her friends to flirt with the old fuckers who couldn’t stop flirting back.” It wasn’t like it hadn’t happened before. Young women, women of all ages really, wanted bikers to have their way with them as a way of sowing their oats. We were a fantasy. Nothing more. Nothing less. Hell, I didn’t even have any tattoos. It was the leather. Always the damn leather. Not that I ever cared before. But for whatever reason, it was starting to bother me. I was getting old and wanted to settle down before I met my maker.

“I don’t give a shit,” Shade said, continuing on his tirade. “I want her. I want to feel her choking on my cock while you’re fucking her tight juicy cunt.”

A shiver raced down my spine at the graphic image he put in my head. “She’s young.”

“That didn’t stop you from pulling her onto your lap tonight.”

“I was flirting. So was she. Nothing more is happening.” I lit up another smoke, not even believing the words I just said.

“But that’s not what you told her.” Shade paused, searching my face. “I know you want her too. You told us all how much you want her. Remember?”

“Yeah. I remember,” I mumbled. Anyone else and I would have been pissed that they made me voice my thoughts like that but with Meadow, I found I didn’t give a shit. I realized then that we hadn’t even given her our names.

“So, what are we going to do about it?” Shade asked, hope dancing in his bright green eyes.

“Nothing.” I inhaled the sweet smoke, taking it down deep into my lungs and blowing it out slowly.

“Sunny.” His brows narrowed.


“Fuck, man. Why is this onlyyourdecision?”

“This is both of our decisions but remember what happened last time? I let you lead. I let you pick out someone for us and do you remember what happened after that?” The memory was laughable at best. The young thing couldn’t handle us.

“That was a long time ago.” Shade moved to the spot beside me and leaned against the brick wall.

“Exactly but it almost tarnished our reps. You need to keep that beast of yours in check. I don’t want to hurtthislamb.”

“She needs to be ours.” Shade tilted his head back, looked up at the nighttime sky, and stuck the smoke between his lips. He inhaled deeply, letting the air slowly out of his lungs.

Something stirred inside of me. Something dark. Something feral. He was mine. And I was his. But we were never physical. I wasn’t even sure if he wanted to be psychical with me. I was so damn confused lately; I didn’t know whether I was coming or going. But what I did know was that I knew how Shade felt. I wanted Meadow. I wanted to share her with him. My partner. My best friend. The only man I had ever let into my bed. Even though we never had sex, sharing a bed was almost just as intimate. If not more.

“You’re staring again,” he murmured.

“Sorry.” I looked away.

“I love you, Sunny.” Shade pushed away from the wall and stood in front of me. His emerald eyes searched my face. He took a step closer, the air between us becoming thick with an unknown tension I had never felt before. Not from him. Not even from a woman. Not until tonight when Meadow sat her ass on my lap.

“I know,” I whispered. Normally calm and collected, it took everything in me not to shove him away. We never talked about taking our relationship to the next level. I wasn’t sure why. We had agreed in the beginning after Shade had been hurt by his ex, we would just share women and that was it. But something changed tonight. And I wasn’t sure if it was for the better or worse.

“Wewillhave her,” Shade said, his voice final.

“I know. Fuck man, I know.” I raked a hand through my short hair, noticing the way it had grown in some. I needed a haircut.

“You saw the way she was with you,” Shade pointed out. “With me. She’s feisty as hell.”

“I’d like to see her in a dominating role,” I blurted. Was that what I really wanted? “See if she can handle it.” Apparently so.

“I’d fucking submit to her and I don’t care if it makes me look like a pussy.”