

Shade and I were sitting on the bed, watching a movie on the large TV they had mounted on the wall. The movie was old, and I wasn’t really watching it, but it was distracting. Just not enough. And it wasn’t what I wanted but it felt odd hinting for more from Shade when Sunny wasn’t with us. Would it be considered cheating? No. Not when I told them to do their own thing whether I was with them or not.

I chewed my bottom lip, unsure as to what the rules were for this type of relationship.

“Hey.” Shade pinched my chin, pulling my lip from my teeth. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing really.” I leaned my head against his shoulder.


“I don’t know, Shade.” I huffed. “I really don’t know.”

“Fine. I’ll leave it alone for now, but youwilltalk to us.”

I knew that I would. It was a given. I just didn’t know how to broach the subject with them.

When Shade had brought me to the room he shared with Sunny, I was almost expecting two beds but instead, there was one large king-sized bed. He had told me they never really stayed at the clubhouse. I had assumed they just brought women here and that was it.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Sunny.

I sat up straighter. “Hey.”

He didn’t meet my gaze. He just closed the door, clicked the lock into place, and pulled off his jacket. Throwing it onto the chair that sat in the corner, he reached behind him and pulled a gun out of the back of his pants.

My heart jumped, not realizing he had been packing this whole time.

He placed the pistol on top of his jacket and came toward the bed.

“Sunny?” I reached out, wanting to comfort him for whatever it was going on. I wanted to help him take the edge off.

But instead, he crawled onto the bed and much to my surprise, right into my arms. He moved between my legs, spreading them more with his rough hands and laid on his stomach.

“Sunny?” I repeated, my body tingling with anticipation of what was to come next.

Resting his head against my chest, his body relaxed some, but I could still feel the tension rolling off of him in waves.

“What happened?” Shade asked, reaching out to brush his finger along Sunny’s hand.

“Some of Tanner’s boys are in jail. Greyson’s worried they’re going to try and start something with Jaron.” Sunny wrapped his one arm tighter around me while linking his hand with Shade’s.

Brushing my fingers through the back of his hair, I waited for him to continue.

“Sammy and Cyrus are going to watch Piper.” Sunny lifted his head. “We all need to watch her but Jaron’s closest with them, so I know he’ll trust them more to take care of her.”

Shade nodded, turning onto his side. He leaned his head against my shoulder. “Anything else?”

“The mayor has always had it out for us. I don’t fucking know why either,” Sunny’s voice hardened. “Tanner’s crew, I could understand.”

“How come?” I asked softly.

Sunny lifted his head, inching the hand Shade wasn’t holding, beneath my shirt. His calloused fingers brushed over my stomach, pushing the fabric to just below my chest. “Have you heard of one-percenters?”

I nodded, my skin tingling.

“Tanner’s crew is just that but while most one-percenters will do anything to make their money and gain power and control, the only thing Tanner won’t do, is hurt an animal. The fucker is a walking contradiction.” Sunny’s brows narrowed. “He’ll destroy a human’s life but save an animal.”