Shade pulled his bike up beside us, shut it off, and took off his helmet before jutting his chin to the house. “Think it’s safe to go in there?”

“Doesn’t matter if it is or not. Greyson and Eve are going to need us. Not that we can do much, especially if Jaron confessed to whatever happened.” Sunny ran a hand through his hair. “You don’t know anything else?” he asked me.

“No.” I looked around us, crossing my arms under my chest. “Piper and Gigi had bumped into each other and some wine had spilled on Piper’s dress. She went to change. I guess Brody followed her. Maybe there was a struggle and Jaron was defending himself.”

“Brody is a tiny fucker.” Shade came up beside Sunny, their shoulders brushing.

My stomach flipped, desire curling deep in my belly for the two men standing in front of me with only a bike between us.

Shaking my head, I rid myself of those thoughts, seeing as we had more important things to deal with at the moment.

“Come.” Sunny walked around to my side of the bike and took my hand. “We’ll probably be in the meeting for a bit, but you can have a beer. Have you met Bee?”

“Bee?” I repeated.

“She’s Tray and Zillah’s daughter,” Shade explained. “She kind of reminds me of you actually.”

“I never thought of that before but yeah, I agree,” Sunny added. “She’s definitely feisty and likes to keep her daddy on his toes.”

I laughed lightly. “Definitely sounds like something I would do.”

Sunny leaned down and kissed my cheek. “I know. You also like keeping this daddy on his toes too. Only difference is, I’m allowed to spank you.”

A shiver raced down my spine. “Will you show me where your room is? I mean, just in case the meeting goes long. It’s been a…” I wasn’t tired by any means, but they had a job to do and I didn’t want to get in the way.

“Of course. We actually stay in one of the guest rooms in the basement. Which means no one will be able to hear you scream.” Shade winked.

I rolled my eyes, smacking him lightly in the stomach. “Now’s not the time for that.”

“I know but I need to lighten the mood. Even if just for a second.” A shadow moved over his face. “Whatever happened to Piper…”

“Hey.” Sunny cupped his shoulder. “How about you take Meadow to our room. I’ll tell Greyson that you needed a moment. He’ll understand.”

Shade nodded and took my hand. “That good with you, little lamb?”

“It is.” I looked back and forth between them. “Is everything okay?”

Sunny kissed the top of my head. “It will be.”