“Why didn’t you come over sooner?”

“Because Jaron told us to stay put,” Sunny said, coming up the steps. “We have to head to the clubhouse,” he told Shade.

“I don’t want…” I looked between them both. Not wanting to seem clingy but there was no way I could stay here by myself. Not with everything that had happened, and I didn’t even know everything.

“What?” Sunny stood in front of us, leaning against the porch railing.

“I don’t want to be alone,” I confessed, looking him square in the eye.

“Good,” he said gently. “Because we weren’t giving you the option.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, appreciating Sunny’s domineering ways at the moment.

“We’ll head to the clubhouse and then home.” Sunny left the porch. “Or spend the night there. Either way, you don’t have to worry about being alone tonight, pet.”

“I don’t know what happened tonight,” I told them. “But I know that it’s not good and that my friends will have a hard time because of it.”

Shade gave me a squeeze, kissing my cheek. “We’ll help them in whatever way we can.”

I hoped so.

We left the porch, following Sunny to their bikes. Looked like I was going to get to ride on one sooner than I thought.

Once I reached Sunny, I threw my arms around his middle before he could even get his helmet on.

“What’s going on?” he demanded, his voice rough.

I couldn’t get Piper’s screams out of my head. They hurt. They slid into a part of me that had never been reached before. I could feel her pain, her anguish resting heavily on my shoulders.

“Meadow.” Shade ran his hand in light circles over my upper back. “Talk to us.”

I grabbed his hoodie, pulling him closer to us, needing both of them. I needed them to drown out Piper’s screams. I needed them to take me far away from here. I needed them to tell me what the hell was going on.

“Meadow,” Sunny barked. “Tell us.”

“I don’t know. Brody is dead. The cops took Jaron away and Piper had to go to the hospital. That’s all I know. But her screams. God, I can’t get them out of my head.” I leaned my forehead against Sunny’s chest, breathing him in. Leather and spice wafted into my nose. Both he and Shade smelled the same but Sunny was spicier. Almost like their personalities. Sunny was the hothead while Shade was the calm one. But I bet if you backed Shade into a corner, he would lose his temper much like his partner.

“Fucking hell.” Sunny held me against him. “That must be the emergency Greyson was talking about.”

“Eve is going to lose her shit.” Shade straddled his bike, slipping the helmet on his head. “Drive safe. I’ll follow you.”

Sunny released me, placed a soft peck on my mouth, and handed me a helmet. “Hold onto me, baby girl. We’ll find out what’s going on. I promise you.”

I nodded.

When he sat on his bike, he waited.

I swung my leg over the seat, sliding in behind him and wrapping my arms around his middle. Leaning my cheek against his back, I inhaled the sweet scent of his leather cut. The patch rubbed against my cheek, reminding me that I could quite possibly be in over my head when it came to these two. They were bikers. They skirted the law and who knew what else. A part of me wondered if I could ever be enough for them. I knew the life that most bikers lived. A lot of them weren’t just one-woman men.

When we finally pulled up to the large house that the Hell’s Harlem crew resided at, my eyes widened at the sight before me. I had never been to this house even after growing up with Jaron. His father was a private man and stuck to mostly having his crew over and that was it. A part of me felt sort of special that I was now here. Like I was let into a secret club that only certain people could get into.

Sunny pulled up the long driveway with Shade following behind us. Parking the bike, Sunny killed the engine and took off his helmet.

I slid from the back seat, taking off my own helmet and handing it to him.

The driveway was littered with bikes of all sizes.

“He probably has everyone here,” Sunny said, his brows narrowing.