My heart jumped to my throat.

“Oh God.” Gigi gasped.

“Someone called the police,” one of the officer’s stated, his brows narrowed. He had that familiar tick in his jaw that I noticed Sunny got whenever he was pissed. Which was quite often if you asked me.

“I…” Gigi’s gaze flicked to mine.

“I can only assume, you want to head down that hall,” I told them, pointing in the direction that Jaron and the two guys went.

The cop nodded, heading down the hall with a younger officer following him.

“What do you think happened?” Gigi asked, ringing her hands together.

I grabbed them, holding one in mine. “I don’t know but I have a feeling that Piper’s going to need us.”

She nodded, chewing her bottom lip.

The door to Piper’s room opened revealing a disheveled Jaron. Blood was splattered on his shirt, his shoulders hunched. He came down the hall with the two cops following him.

He looked up, his gaze landing on me. “Piper needs you. Take care of her.”

The cops walked him out of the house.

Two more officers entered shortly after. I was vaguely aware of them talking to Gigi. I didn’t know what was said. It didn’t matter. Jaron was right. Piper needed us.

“The room is down there,” Gigi said, pointing a finger down the hall leading to Piper’s room.

“I’ll talk to Piper,” the female officer said.

A glance passed between Gigi and I before we went to follow the cop down the hall when we were stopped short by a scream.

A slice of fear gripped my spine.

“Oh God.” Gigi clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes welling.

The two guys who had been with Jaron, came out of the room next with Piper between them. The larger of the duo, opened another door, stepped inside and came back out into the hall a moment later.

Piper entered the room, the door shutting behind her.

The guys spoke softly between themselves and that was when I realized they were twins. Not identical but you could definitely tell they were brothers.

“Let’s go.” I grabbed Gigi’s hand and dragged her down the hall and toward the room they had put Piper in. It was my bedroom, but she could use it for however long she needed.

When we neared the guys, I let Gigi enter the room first but stayed back. “What happened?”

The larger of the twins pulled a pack of smokes out of the inner pocket of his leather jacket. “You’re Sunny and Shade’s girl.”

They spoke about me? “Uh…yeah, I guess I am.”

“No guessing about it, kiddo.” The smaller of the two, stuck out his hand. “Sammy.”

“Meadow,” I said, returning the handshake as the female officer entered my room to talk to Piper.

“This quiet fucker is Cyrus.” He jutted his chin toward his brother. “Piper’s going to need you. There’s been a death.”

My eyes widened. “Brody?” I whispered.

“Sure,” Cyrus grunted. “His name doesn’t matter. The piece of shit is dead. The cops are here. I’m sure the coroner will be here soon, and the mess will be cleaned up.”