“We’re not like the boys you’ve been with, Meadow.” Sunny moved to the stool beside me, pulling me closer between his spread knees. “Youdoknow that right?”

I nodded, chewing my bottom lip.

“Hey.” He pinched my chin, tilting my head back. “Say it. Say that you know we’re not like him. The fucker who hurt you.”

“It’s funny because I wasn’t even with him for long. But I fell for him fast. After that, I started sleeping with anyone…” God, I sounded like a slut. Truth was, I felt like I didn’t deserve anything more than sex. He had used me for his own personal gain, and I didn’t know how to pull myself back from that.

“What?” Sunny frowned.

I shoved my head from his grip and pulled back the rest of the beer.

“I’m assuming that conversation needs some more alcohol,” Shade said, handing me another beer.

“Yeah but you guys don’t want to hear about that shit.” I suddenly felt like a little girl and vulnerable. So damn vulnerable.

“We want to hear whatever it is you have to say.” Sunny placed his hands on my knees and ran them up my thighs.

My skin tingled beneath his touch. I could feel the heat coming from him even though my jeans were in the way. “When’s supper done?” The donuts would be about an hour. They had to bake on a low temperature to get that perfect taste.

“About an hour.” Sunny’s gaze dropped to my mouth.

I stood, wrapped my arms around his neck, and straddled his lap. “Think we could do something to pass the time?” I asked Shade.

Shade rubbed his mouth. “I’m sure we can come up with something.”

I looked down at Sunny. “Do you think so?”

His hands ran down my back. “Oh yeah.”

“Tell me something first. How far have you two gone?” I asked, rubbing myself over Sunny’s crotch.

“Not far enough,” Sunny growled in my ear, giving it a gentle bite. The sharp pain shot through every inch of me.

“Really?” I cupped his cheek, running my fingers through his beard. “Do you think you’ll go farther?”

Shade stood from the stool he was sitting on and came around the island before sitting behind me. “What are you getting at, little lamb?”

“I mean, do you think you’ll have sex?” As much as it would be hot, I got it if they didn’t. Their friendship was important to them. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I also knew and understood their fears. After sleeping with Ashton, things became weird. Not for him but for me, but that was only because I knew I could fall for him. I was thankful when he ended things. We weren’t right for each other. I only knew that because I had found out he had slept with other women while sleeping with me. It would take a special kind of person to make him become a one-woman man.

“Where did you go?” Shade asked, pulling me off of Sunny’s lap and onto his. “You disappeared.”

I swallowed hard. “Nowhere.”

“Meadow.” Shade frowned.

I pulled out of his grip and went to check the oven, making sure the donuts didn’t burn. They didn’t and they were starting to smell delicious.


I spun on them. “Listen, you don’t want to know my shit. It’s in the past. And we hardly know each other anyway, so let’s keep this for what it is.”

“And what’s that, Meadow?” Sunny crossed his arms under his broad chest, staring me down.

“Sex obviously because I don’t know about you but it’s all I can handle right now.” I went to take another beer from the fridge when a firm hand grabbed my upper arm. Sunny pulled me back against him.

“I’m sorry, Meadow.” He kissed my temple. “I didn’t mean to press.”

“It’s fine.” I turned in his arms, wrapping my hands around his thick neck. “We still have a bit before the donuts are cooked and supper is ready. I think you should give me a tour of your bed.”