
I CHECKED THE ADDRESSon my phone, looked back at the house before me, and back again to my phone. After losing my cell in the garbage bin, I remembered I had an old one I could use until I was able to get a new phone. Maybe this one was broken. I typed the address into Google again and this location came up. Again. But this couldn’t be the right address. For one, the house was huge and second, it almost looked too fancy for men like Sunny and Shade. I rolled my eyes. NowIwas being judgy.

“You gonna stand out here all night?”

I jumped, spun around, and found Shade coming up the driveway with a few bags in his hands.

“Sorry, I’m late. I had to head back to the center. We’re expanding it and it’s taking all of us to make that happen,” I blurted out in one breath. Why I felt the need to tell him all of that, was beyond me. Truth was, these guys had me unraveled and I didn’t know how to deal with it half the time. Okay, most of the time.

Shade chuckled.

My cheeks burned. “What?”

“Nothing, little lamb.” He kissed my cheek. “Nothing at all.”

The scruff on his jaw tickled, sending a wave of heat rushing through me.

“I was just admiring your house,” I told him, taking a bag from his hands.

“It is pretty amazing. Sunny had it built about ten years ago. We love the crew but sometimes you just need time away from them.”

“I get that. I love my best friends but there are always people over. And the kitchen is small as hell.” I followed Shade up the path to the large house. “One of these days, I’m going to have a kitchen so damn big, I won’t even know what to do with it.” It was unlikely but a girl could dream.

“Wait until you see our kitchen.” He winked.

My stomach flipped. God, these men and what they did to me.

“Are you good? I mean, with this whole Tanner thing.”

My stomach twisted. “Since he demanded that I go to his club and then he made an appearance and one of his boys made you lose your shit? Oh yeah. I’m fine and fucking dandy.” I grabbed Shade’s arm. “Areyougood?”

“Listen.” Shade raked a hand through his short brown hair. “What Sunny and I have or what’s going on…” He scowled. “I’m confused as fuck and I hate it. But Tanner…we’ll protect you from him.”

My heart swelled. “I think Tanner needs a hobby,” I muttered, looking back at the house that sat before us. “Sunny called me,” I said more to myself. Even though I didn’t know exactly what was going on with them, it did something funny to me that Sunny would call me, needing advice over what to do about him and Shade.

“I know.” Shade looked at the house. “He told me. Whatever you said to him, thank you.”

“Of course.” I continued walking up the path, the hairs on the back of my neck tingling. I stopped, glancing back at Shade.

“I gave him a blow job,” he said, his eyes on my ass. “But it didn’t last long because we were interrupted.”

My stomach tumbled. “Really?”

He met my gaze. “Yeah. It would have probably turned into more but Sunny got a phone call and…” His cheeks reddened. “Anyway, it was intense. He’s intense. But I guess you know that already.”

“Yeah. I do. But you’re just as bad.”

He closed the distance between us. “I am?”

“You are. You may submit to me, but I know that if needed, you could dominate me too.” I stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I can’t wait for that to happen, by the way.”

A wicked grin spread on his face.

“Come on, baby boy.” I laughed, making my way up the steps. “You can play with your toy later.” Once I reached the porch, the door opened, revealing Sunny.

“Hey, pet.” His eyes raked over me. “Have a good shower?”

“Yes.” I smiled. “I washed all of that garbage goo off of me.” I grimaced. “So gross.”